Caribou Gear Tarp

NM results - maybe

The E-plus system in NM is beyond repair. No other western state give gives near as many tags to Landowners as NM, not other state gives Unit Wide tags add to that no other state give outfitter a percentage of all public land tags and its a monster that needs to be scrapped.

Sportsmen in NM are complacent and have allowed LO interest to take over the game commission and Landowners make sure they control key committees in the legislature so basically there is little recourse. The only option may be some kind of voter referendum.

Here is the quote from the G&F facebook page on the backdoor method.

"Christmas came early this year. You may have seen your unofficial draw results. Just a reminder, until the Department audits and certifies the draw results, nothing is final. Check back April 29.'
You don't have to be that skeptical. Even the NMDGF is admitting they let out the results, they're just saying they still have to audit them before they make it official. It was on their Facebook page this morning.

Awesome! Thanks for the update!!
I didn't bother applying for NM for the first time in 12 years and wont ever again until they get their Landowners and Outfitters under control.

First time I have skipped their draw in quite a few years also. Saved my money from there and put in for a Montana Moose tag for the first time instead!
I skipped NM this year as well for the first time in many years. The outlay of money is not worth the terrible odds for the scraps they throw the DIY NR.
Damn, after three years of trying hunt elk (even with cow hunts at 45% draw odds) I am still out of luck.

But I drew an oryx and deer tag so who am I to complain???!!!!
WOAH, they have already fixed the leak and now it shows nothing but the application #. I hope they aren't going to redo the draw!
Used to hunt there every year and stopped applying when the 6% kicked in. Good state to hunt but most of the tags go to landowners and outfitters. Fine with me.
I skipped NM this year as well for the first time in many years. The outlay of money is not worth the terrible odds for the scraps, and the middle finger they throw the DIY NR.

....fixed it Oak.

You guys better be right (or hopefully wrong with this stupid backdoor method) or my Friday happy hour buzz just became a lot less happy ��
Last year I got my email at 4:19 p.m. (central time) the afternoon before the published draw date. It should only be a few more hours for those who didn't get in on the "Harvest Report" backdoor to find out what they drew!

Good luck! :D
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