NM Mosquitoes & biting insects/bugs - Need Advice


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2021
A question for you longtime NM residents. Are biting bugs/insects an issue anywhere in NM?

Before I moved to NM, bug repellent was a necessity item in my pack. Since moving to NM I've gotten to where I don't even carry bug repellent. I've covered quite a bit of NM and haven't encountered bugs trying to suck my blood....., not even a horsefly. I've seen one or two mosquitoes at my house near Albuquerque, but hardly enough to even acknowledge. We get gnats in the summertime that swarm your eyes, ears, nostrils and generally irritate you to death, but they don't seem to bite and they go away at dark...., no real issue.

Maybe near the Pecos or Rio Grande Rivers it becomes a problem? It goes against my every instinct to pack into the wilderness without bug protection. Maybe I've just been lucky? Anyone have bad bug experiences in NM?
Skeeters get to be a problem near the Bosques,meadows and pastures. Water.
I rarely have a problem ever with them.
We get pinion gnats that will eat you alive for about a month in mid-summer near me. SW
Only seen a few ticks ,ever.
Skeeters get to be a problem near the Bosques,meadows and pastures. Water.
I rarely have a problem ever with them.
We get pinion gnats that will eat you alive for about a month in mid-summer near me. SW
Only seen a few ticks ,ever.
I must admit not a NM resident. But I shot a bull in central NM a few years ago that was absolutely eat up in ticks. Probably had 20 embedded in his rump and others crawling all over him.
You're tight about the thermacell as far as mosquitoes go. I've got two of them. Thermacell doesn't work on biting gnats (blackflys), or horseflies or chiggers or ticks. Have you ever gotten into a batch of seed ticks? Most western hunters don't know the perils of hunting eastern woods. First freeze is a big deal because you get rid of ticks/chiggers. Mosquitoes still come out if it warms up. When I hunt Arkansas, I've got my thermacell along with permanone treated clothing. I stay away from DEET due to the scent, although I keep a small bottle in my pack in case of a massive bug riot. I haven't mentioned the red wasp, hornets and sweat bees. I'm thinking NM doesn't have enough bugs to warrant bug repellents.

One of my recurring nightmares is from when I was in a tree stand without bug repellent/thermacell and had a nice buck hold up at about 60 yards where I couldn't move and had to sit and let hordes of mosquitoes have a feast. Then the deer turned and went up the hill as I was getting dizzy and lightheaded from blood loss to mosquitoes. It's a hard lesson learned. It's still hard for me to pack into NM before first freeze without bug repellent......, it just doesn't seem natural.
I've been to a few spots where the mosquitoes have been thick. However, those have all been around plenty of water. Mosquitoes aren't really an issue in most places I've been around the state.
I wish there was an unlike button. :D I haven't seen a skeeter in 6 months... Guaranteed I will see one in the next 2 days. I am surprised that you don't have horse/deer flies though. The more I learn about NM the more I think I could live there.
Oh they are around. Horseflies & deer flies,gnats. Sometimes worse than others. Monsoon rains cut them down. That's when there can be a skeeter or 2 ,after rains in summer.
There are some weird bugs tho.
Down here if you get near the Pecos or Bitter Lake the mosquitos can be unbearable. Bug repellant seems to do nothing against them.
Yea, I saw a post on another website where a guy said he encountered lots of mosquitoes at Bitter Lake Refuge area. I guess I'll be careful around the few permanent rivers and continue to take my chances elsewhere. I've been to several NM lakes and creeks in the summer without any issues.

NM bugs are probably just waiting on me to get further in the backcountry before they hit me!
The fall run of tarantulas freak folks out sometimes......they are harmless left alone,walking across you....empty your boots before using.

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