
New member
Apr 21, 2020
Hey guys

I do a lot of hiking and camping but would love to get into hunting. Thing is I’ve never done it. I don’t even know where to start to get any information. Any ideas or suggestions?

The first step is to take a hunter's education course. That should cover most of the basics and I'm pretty sure every state has free online versions. If you google "Your State Hunter's Education Online" you should find it somewhere on the fish and game department website.

That class should give you enough to get started, then you can research tactics or come back here for more specific questions.
Welcome, I would also start watching some Hunting videos but good ones. Randy Newberg and Meat Eater show the hunt as a whole. Not just a glory hunt or all about the kill shot. They do a great job of showing the whole story.
Welcome. Thanks for reaching out ... it does take some research and planning. As stated above 1) If you have not taken a Hunter's Safety Course, you will need to do so in your respective State; 2) Which State do you live in or do you want to hunt another State?; and 3) Do you have any idea what it is you want to hunt (antelope, deer, elk, etc.)? I, also, would recommend watching Randy Newberg's shows. You can do a search on YouTube or some other platform and find a lot of good content. Randy provides some great insight to hunting.

In order to help you "we" will need a little more information.

Good luck in the future.
I guess it's difficult to get into an in-person hunter safety course right now, but I would recommend taking one in person at some point. Read the regulations for your state over and over.
Welcome! Where are you from? When it comes to something like hunting, time afield is pretty invaluable. I would look at opportunities close to home to begin honing your skill as a hunter. After a Hunter Safety course, I would become proficient with the firearm/bow that you will begin hunting with and start researching the game you will be after. Don't overlook small game, they can teach you a lot and can be very tasty as well.
Google "Hunters Connect". It has a bunch of great content on beginning hunting. Very well done and it will start you down the road! But beware! Hunting will become an addiction. You will fall in love with being outdoors in places and times that hikers and campers rarely, if ever, go. You will see animal behavior that is rarely seen. Most likely, you will gravitate towards one kind of hunting that really gets you excited. Could be waterfowl, upland birds, deer, big game out west, or something else. When you reach the point that you consider stealing and selling your gramma's apple pies to get money for hunting gear, you have arrived! Just joking of course, don't let gramma catch you stealing a pie!
Welcome to HT! This site is a wonderful resource if you are interested in primarily western hunting. Where are you located and what type of hunting do you think you are interested in?
Welcome to HT and hunting! I would echo everything mentioned above; hunter's ed, watching MeatEater, Fresh Tracks and On Your Own Adventures to get a full understanding on what goes into a hunt. Randy Newberg has a lot of great videos on his YouTube page as well. I think one of the more important things after that is not being afraid to ask questions whether it be on here or with friends who have more experience than you. Everyone at one time or another was in your position but with some time and effort it more than pays off! Good luck!
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