Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

NEW Mosieville'


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
OK, So, with my newest passion of buying investment land and houses I have a Realestate agent sitting on the MLS listings on land in my hunting area. BANG, 4 lots became available Dec 30th... Problem being he didn't get back to me untill after the first and 3 of the 4 lots had offers on them. (only 4 days after they Seller listed them... who the Fugg is his Agent and Why isn't he working for me..... *wink*)

The last lot was easily 2x's the cost per size of the other lots so I put an Offer in, Sight unseen. I figured that if it cost more it should be better. Easy logic, basic logic, but I'm a simple man......

I put in backup offers on the other lots in Contigency of them not going through and me going up and Seeing them and liking them (Thats part of why I get in trouble alot too, I usually don't think.) :D The other 3 lots are crappy and almost unbuildable. If the other offer falls out I'll re assess though.

I do have to say I think I found one of the BEST, by far, Building sites in ALL of Lowman. I ran up with Wylee and another bud this morning to see if I bought Swamp land sight unseen and this is what we saw :

Standing on the Culde'sac looking downhill to the left :


PAnning to the Right per each picture, they are standing on the building pad :




This is Standing on the pad looking at the road coming to it :


This is looking off the front, All those hills are NAtional Forest and If I build on my new lot I might only see 1/2 of someones Roof behind me but nothing else. Wylee tried "marking the territory" :


we looked across the canyon and Saw this :


Zoomed in :


OK, It was a Crappy camera but you get the Jist. We saw 2 bucks and alot of elk in the 15 mins we stood right there, That will be nice to wake up to some day years down the road !!!!!

Wylee offered me a good deal to take it off my hands before I even close on it but I passed for right now, He has first right of Refusal but I told him unfortunately It probably won't be for Re-sale any time soon.

Anyways, I'm a Bit in Happy Ville' right now so I thought I'd Share *smile*

Now, If I could just aford the payment ...(Coment from my wife ;) )
Thats what I told him about it too when he said Congrats on "your" new place... I told him Congrats on Our new place, I'm jsut the one making the Payments :)
COngrats on the new purchase.....maybe one of these days I'll make it up that way and you can show me around!!
How far away are utilities? WHat was the lot size and the price if you dont mind PMing me. I am looking for a lot for retirement but more towards the warmer climate.
Utilities ? UHHhh ;) J/K , There is Power right there and rumor has it water, I'll need to investigate some other things. I'm not sure how to put a Septic on a hillside but I'll call the county next week. I have a 3 week option to buy right now so I can find out the details. The price was OK by around here standards, probably cheap for you I'll PM ya, they went off County Assesment.. heheh...hehe... Anyways, Lowman isn't really a Retirement place. There's not much to do there but sit on your porch when you're old. If you're younger and like hiking though there are some Elk in your Backyard though :)

Toughbucker, Come up anytime !! I don't have a house on any of the 2 properties yet but that will come soon.... like in 40 years ;) But the drive around will be fun.
Very cool Moosie, hope things work out on it. Looks like a little chunk of heaven to call your own. Is there running water near by or on the piece you offered on? If so you might be able to put in a small hydro and be "off the grid".
No running water on the piece,It says in the MLS listing that water is Available.. not sure exactly how or what yet but I'll get to that this week. i have 3 weeks to Refuse it. 95% of it's on a Hill, you access it from the top and It's at the End of a Cul-de-sac. The road coming in is below actually and You circle around the mountain to get to it. I don't have all the Figures straightend out, I'm more of an Impulse buyer.... I have : no down, don't know how I can make the Payments, and don't know if I can Build on it yet, not sure if the Septic is gunna work..... but I had a Good feeling. Late last year I had a Good feeling on 5 rentals and am Coming out Smoking on 3 of them.... loosing on the other 2 but hopefully (in theory ;) ) in the Long haul it will work.... those were for Investment, This is for Fun.

BTW, this isn't my "BIG NEWS" ... that's still pending ...bet you guys can't wait huh.... ;) .... :D
So I decided to Read.. I know, Hold your laughing.. but... read the Covenants and restrictions. It stated in there :

BLAH BLAH BLAH... only one dog, 2 cats max, no Selling of anything, no fixing of anything in a comercial fasion.....BLAH BLAH BLAH..... Aproval of an Architectural comitee.......(HUMM, After looking at some of the Lower Shanties I'm guessing My hosue plan will be aproved. I plan to use more Nails then Bailing twine like some others a mile back on the road... ;) )....... then Skipping down to the Interesting part it said, :

It is further the understanding of the parties that the Grantor will install a water system placing such water system in the roadways in front of each lot, and providing for atap to the lot line of each Grantee. At such time as such water system and intalationto the lot line of the grantee is completed and installed, it shall be the obligation, promptly within one season, for such grantee or the grantees of any grantee, to attach to, at their own expence .. BLAH BLAH BLAH ...and use in place of any wells, pumps or other water supply.. blah blah blah shall forever be foreclosed from establishing his own privatewater system thereafter..... BLAH BLAH BLAH.. signed in 1961. Something tells me the water system t oall those houses had to have been updated since then ?!?!

Now, Being a Grantee... :D ...I'm asuming Those Hill billy's have a Waterline to my place and I tap into it. Nice, I wonder if there is a Keg too ;)

Looks like I should have water... ?
Your a regular land barron Oscar.
Congratulations, I can smell the elk steaks a cooking, and hear the lies being told.
If you "get lucky" and the other lots come your way, you could put up a high fence, buy some stock and.........
Never mind.
I just might need a tour soon myself.
Acon.... I thought of doing a High fence operation but the Covenants also said ... :

10. ANIMALS: NO livestock, including but not limited tocattle, sheep..... :( ..., goats, swine, rabbits, ducks, chickens....BLAH BLAH BLHA shall be kept or maintained BLAH BLAH BLAH ...you can keep a pet such as dog or cat, provided they are not kept, bred or maintained for any comercial purpose.

GESH, Wonder if I can keep a Sheep up there if I clasify her as a Girlfriend ???! hump hump

Looking foward to giving you the tour if you come up in April A-con, Keep in touch.
I thought you westerners had more freedoms than us eastern folk. But after reading all them covenants I don't think I would fit in. Are there limits on how many dogs you can have? Heck on my quarter acre at one time I had 8 beagles, and no one said a word...to my face.
Covenants set up in 1961 and what they enforce , I'm Assuming, is a bit different. Next time I go up (Probably next weekend, I'll take a Couple pictures of some Houses... errrr cabins.... errrrr shacks..... errrrrr Plywood walls with Tarp covers on them with 3 campers from 1960 and 2 older ones parked next by and we'll see what they enforce ;)

8 beagles ? no one should have 8 beagles even if they own 200 acres :D
Here are some suggestions. Anyone care to vote?

4.Oscarton, Idaho?
5.Moosebutt, Idaho?
6.Hunttalk Township, Idaho?
7.Moosenutz, Idaho?

That's got to be the winner.. Moosenutz Idaho. Home of Moosenutz Productions, Moosenutz Clothing Products, Hunttalk.Com, and other wonderful products for and about hunters. Coming to you direct from the wilds of central Idaho. Remeber, if it's hot, it's Moosenutz!

What do you think?

HAHA.. I like it. Do me a Favor, Look up Doug Manchester "Pappa Doug" on Google. I think his site is dougmanchester.com . Anyways, he's a Guy we're doing a Developement for, 1-3 acre million $ lots in McCall. Look up Whitetail McCall too, thats his. If you call him Doug, he corrects you saying his name is Pappa Doug. When you have over 2 billion in assets people call you whatever you ask I guess.

That story leads me up to Last week. There was a 5.45 Acre parcle I wanted to Develope. I ran the Numbers and after 2 days I couldn't get it to work....Could work but the Profit to time ratio was like owning a Website... only worse ;) but, I was Going to call it Moose Haven with Moose names like Moose lane and Moose Crt. in it. I told the main realator I was working with and Deadeye (My developing engineer) that when I do Developement like Doug Manchester I'm going to Switch to PAPPA MOOSE !!!

Not that I'll ever have any money for Developement or that kind of stuf, I do want to try it someday..... someday soon :) When my log-in name changes from Moosie to Pappa Moose one day... you'll all know why :D
Looks cool man! Hurry and build this summer so I can have a roof over my head this fall. I'll even pitch in and buy a doormat.

From the looks of the place, is it about a 15 minute drive to the burger and shakes?
T Bone said:
From the looks of the place, is it about a 15 minute drive to the burger and shakes?

15 mins.....or less :) won't be ready this fall, but maybe next...realistically 5-6 years. Although with the doormat offer I might start sooner !!!! :p
Well, youve got the doormat taken care of. I'll throw in the porch light and dinner bell....now if some more people chip in you could get this thing built....one piece at a time!! :)