Caribou Gear Tarp

New Mexico Pronghorn - ACT III

Big Fin

Staff member
Dec 27, 2000
Bozeman, MT
Well, I am sitting in the dark, camped on some BLM land, hoping the monsoons of New Mexico do not ruin my computer. Rolled in at dark and too tired to set up the entire camp after driving 1,100 miles. Need to sleep.

This is the third year in a row that IDBugler and I have drawn New Mexico archery antelope. Last year we drew our first choice and it was great. This year, the same as in 2009, we drew our third choice.

New Mexico looks at all three choices before going on to the next application. So, it is possible to draw your second or third choice. We applied for this unit as third choice, having hunted it in 2009, even though we know it is not near what our first and second choices are. But, we are hunting antelope, so who really cares what unit.

I got in just before dark and made some quick scouting trips. Not good. Not grass and brown as I have ever seen New Mexico during the middle of monsoon season. It rained the entire time I drove around scouting, but I fear too little, too late.

Bugler left work this afternoon and is driving straight through. After I texted him with the report of seeing three very small bucks, he might have turned around and found a better offer. Nah, he is as much of an antelope nut as I am.

Season opens Saturday, so we have tomorrow to scout and get our plan lined up. We will see how well the BeTheDecoy works when there is no cover to hide in. Every place looks like a billiard table.

Seems like every year we have some huge obstacles to overcome. This year it looks like the drought and the fact that most the antelope seemed to have moved to other parts of the unit. I only had a couple hours to look around, so hopefully tomorrow will provide more time and better results.

Gonna get my sleeping quarters sorted our and get ready for a long day of scouting tomorrow. Bugler should be here just after lunch, but I suspect sleep will be first and foremost on his mind.

As always, if you have any luck you want to send our way, we will gladly take it. Looks like we will need it.
Good luck Big Fin.. I hope you guys have a great time. Dont get to down about the weather and conditions, you guys will have fun regardless and if any one can find some good bucks you and Bugler can. Look forward to hearing all about it in the days ahead...
Good luck to you both, I'm sure if there is a decent animal around you'll track him down,
Good luck guy's and hoping for the best. Just do what you do and it will all work out! Good luck.
Big storm blew through Lubbock tonight coming from that way. More rain tonight than we had in the last 9 months combined!

Good luck.
Good luck guys! I'm sure you'll get into plenty of antelope with the skill sest you two possess.
Good luck guys. Sounds like it will be great hunting near any water that exists.
Total antelope count this morning was Eight. Normally I would expect a couple hundred. Not what I was hoping for.
I just returned from a 7-day lope hunt in NV and am still jealous of guys out hunting them. Good luck.

Will be interested in how the BeTheDecoy setup works in terrain with no/little cover. I had a tough time with it, myself and ran off a lot of lopes. Sure seems decent size sage or cut up terrain would really help close the distance to a range where you could expect a good response once you show yourself. Closing 300 yards with no cover did not work for me but maybe I do not have that sexy antelope stroll down pat.
(With apologies to Johnny Carson,....putting on my Karnak the magician hat) Name two guys living the dream in NM with lots of difficulties and laughter, frustrations and joys. Answer: Big Fin and IDBuglar
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