New Mexico Archery Pronghorn - 2009

Fin, You better slap an IV into your arm before you head out tomorrow. Sounds miserable sitting for that long and doing it in a hot dark hut. Your hunts always go down to the wire, so this one seems to be par for the course. Good Luck guys.
It isn't often the Big Fin makes a that he has. I am sure of the outcome. Cannot wait to see the pictures! Bugler, keep is going to happen!
Wednesday is your day guys! You've figured out where to be and where not to be, have been where you should when you shouldn't have been there and have been where you shouldn't when you should have been at the other there, now the only option left is to be where you should when it's time time to be there. :D You're set.
Bad news this morning - well, kinda bad. Bugler glassed a whopper about 1200 yards west on the private. Now he decides that since it is his day to shoot, he will try to hold out for that one. His standards are going up, while mine are going the other direction.

Don't be surprised if I push him out of the way and shoot the first 10 incher to show up.

Bugler sees more pronghorn on the horizon, so I better turn this off.
Wish I could post pics with this Huckleberry, but so far, that is beyond my talents.

No blood yet, but when you see the pics tonight of a nice buck bedded 80 yards from the blind, you will see a summary of how this hunt has been going.

Just had three bucks come to water, but stood at full alert, face on, at 45 yards. Not in my talent range. I was hoping they would turn or come closer, but a doe and two fawns came in from down wind and spooked, taking the bucks with them.

More to follow, later.
Great updates Randy. Hang in there you guys will smoke one I am sure. Maybe it's Buglers Pink slippers that are keeping them out of range:D
totally addicted to this now....I feel like a rat that keeps pushing the button to get my fix!
Now that the doe left, after having stood here for an hour, I can make a new post.

Just more does and fawns right now, but we watched many bucks bed in the sage within 800 yards. The hope is that when they get up from napping, this 95F+ heat will cause them to come for a drink.

Not sure if I can last until it starts cooling down in four hours, but if not, I will die trying.

As battered and beaten as we are, we have 'em right where we want 'em.
Getting some ice to keep him from spoiling. Lots to take care of before pics and story. Bugler is still in the blind.
I get to be next to say congrats, glad you got it done, and I'm waiting for pictures, too.

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