Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

New Director of Wildlife Conservation


Dec 23, 2000
Wow, what's that state coming to? :confused: I suspect this will go over like a lead balloon. :D


Commissioner Announces Change in Wildlife Leadership:
Cory Rossi to Replace Doug Larsen as Director of Wildlife Conservation​

(Juneau) - Effective March 16th, Director of the Division of Wildlife Conservation Doug Larsen will return to his previous duties as Regional Supervisor for the Southeast Region. “Doug has very ably served as director of the division for the past two and a half years, bringing a strong degree of consensus building and teamwork to division headquarters,” said Commissioner Denby Lloyd. “I’ve been honored, and I think we’ve all been privileged, to have Doug as part of the department’s leadership.”

The new division director will be Corey Rossi. Corey has served the department for the past year as Assistant Commissioner. Commissioner Lloyd noted in an e-mail to staff that, “Corey has brought to the department a can-do attitude and helped us better understand a variety of public perspectives on the department’s mission and wildlife programs. Corey has adapted well to state service and he has developed strong working relationships with the department’s leadership.” He elaborated noting, “I’m confident he will shepherd the Division of Wildlife Conservation firmly and wisely into the future.” Mr. Rossi will be based in the Anchorage ADF&G office.
" Corey has adapted well to state service and he has developed strong working relationships with the department’s leadership.”

classic Dwight Schrute...;)
Will be interesting to see what this SFW shill gets accomplished in his new position.
I have a couple guesses...conservation tags...a ton of them.

No question an all-out war on every predator in the State. SFW would use carpet bombing and poison if they could.

Alaska is going to be sorry they ever let SFW get a foot-hold there...wait and see.
An Article I hijacked from another site...

-------------------- The Corruption of Wildlife Science and Conservation

By Mark Richards

Partisan politics and an extreme agenda by the “kill the predators” lobby has led to the complete corruption of our Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) under Governors’ Palin and Parnell.

Early in 2009, Palin created a brand new #3 position at ADFG, “Assistant Commissioner of Abundance Management,” and installed family friend Corey Rossi to oversee the radical “abundance” agenda Mr. Rossi had been promoting as the spokesman for a new organization, the Alaska chapter of Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife (SFW-AK), headed up by former state senator Ralph Seekins.

At the same time, the #2 position of Deputy Commissioner was given to Pat Valkenburg, a former ADFG biologist who at the time was an Alaska Outdoor Council Board member and advocate for legalizing bear snaring in Alaska.

Shortly after Mr. Rossi’s appointment, in what was a clear conflict of interest, Rossi represented ADFG at the spring 2009 Board of Game meeting in Anchorage in support of SFW-AK proposals he helped craft, to snare bears and allow the use of helicopters to transport hunters to SFW-AK bear bait camps in the Unit 16 bear-control area west of Anchorage.

For the first time in Alaska, the snaring of both black and grizzly bears, and helicopter transport of “hunters” participating in bear-control efforts, was legalized.

Valkenburg and Rossi then began a heavy-handed campaign (with the support of Commissioner Lloyd as directed by the governor) to ram new policies down the throats of regional managers and biologists that were contrary to past policies grounded in prudent scientific-based wildlife conservation management.

Anyone within the Department who uttered words of discontent publicly was reprimanded and threatened with firings. Internal disagreements were met with threats as well. A new draconian communications policy directive was issued from on high to stifle biologists and managers from talking to the public as they had in the past. Now, logs of any inquiries from reporters, writers, even the public, were required to be kept and turned over, and before answering any questions on any “controversial” programs, biologists and managers must first clear answers with leadership.

At the Spring 2010 Board of Game meeting in Fairbanks, ADFG Deputy Commissioner Valkenburg said that the Department would be moving over the next six months to reclassify interior grizzly bears as a separate species from coastal brown bears, and to rewrite the 2006 Bear Conservation and Management Policy findings of the Board of Game in order to legalize the snaring of both black and grizzly bears by the public outside of any predation control implementation plan. He said that the Department intends to put a proposal before the Board of Game next November to, for the first time ever, allow members of the public to snare black and grizzly bears in the Fort Yukon area in the interior, outside of any formal bear-control plan.

This didn’t go over well with Region III interior managers and biologists I spoke with. Neither did it sit well with Doug Larsen, the Director of the Division of Wildlife Conservation.

A few days later at Denny’s restaurant during a lunch break of the Board of Game meeting, Ralph Seekins spoke to a group of hunters and big game guides about his recent meeting with ADFG Commissioner Denby Lloyd, crowing about SFW-AK’s push and likely success to have Director Larsen removed. SFW-AK had already gone after individual managers and biologists within the Department, and their view was that Larsen up to now had been able to protect staff who weren’t so keen to tow the new party line, and that Larsen was stalling or preventing facets of this push to, as SFW-AK promotes, turn Alaska into some Swedish game farm.

Word that Director Larsen had been forced out came a week later. A letter to staff began: “I have been asked to step down as Director of the Division of Wildlife Conservation, effective March 16.” Larsen will resume his former position as Region I ADFG manager in Southeast Alaska.

Corey Rossi will be the new Director of the Division of Wildlife Conservation. The political takeover is complete.

I urge ADFG staff to finally go public on the travesty of what is happening within the Department, and other hunters and trappers, and members of the public, to stand with me and say enough is enough, that we don’t need to go this far in our zeal to boost prey populations.

We cannot allow our own Wildlife Conservation agency to continue to be corrupted by partisan politics and an extreme agenda to game-farm Alaska.

Bio: Mark Richards is co-chair of Alaska Backcountry Hunters & Anglers.


Not that I agree with the appointment of Rossi at all, nor do I agree with ALL the techniques and methods currently being used in predator management.

But I would caution all of you to take anything Mark Richards says with a grain of salt and to also formulate your own opinion based on reading ALL the data. I have an immense respect for Mr Richards and agree with many of his viewpoints and disagree on some. Mostly we disagree on how to best implement procedures that are in alignment with our views.

I would encourage you to read more about the predator issues in Alaska before blindly repeating and reposting anything by Mr. Richards.

As to my own opinions. Well. I think Rossi should NOT be in Office. Do I think it was a absolutely blatant mutiny? Maybe maybe not. There is an agenda in place for sure. Do I think it is an "extreme.... Kill all the living predators" agenda? No.

Do I agree with bear snaring and helicopter use? Maybe, but I would have liked to see a lot more effort placed into alternative methods before resorting to these techniques.

Alaska is HUGE. There are way way way way too many variable out there for anyone to be able to say "this is the answer" or "this is NOT the answer". I think more caution needs to be used in approaching predator management in the fashion ADF&G is doing currently. That said, I think the other extreme (see Mr. Richards article) is just as bad. Saying that F&G is absolutely wrong...

As always the answer lies somewhere in the Middle. And we as Hunters and Conservationists should be fighting for THAT answer.
What do you find "extreme" about Mark Richards' point of view? Is there incorrect information in the article above?

Mr. Richards is a vocal advocate of sound wildlife management, which often conflicts with the agenda "kill all predators at any cost" crowd. And that is the mentality that Rossi brings with him to the ADF&G. That's why he was promoted to this position.

You are correct, there is an agenda in place. The wait-and-see attitude of AK residents will cost them in the end. When you come across a rattlesnake, you don't stick out your hand to see if he'll bite you.

Here's a letter from Mark Richards to Commissioner Lloyd:

Dear Denby,

What you allowed to take place regarding the removal of Doug Larsen as the Director of the Division of Wildlife Conservation, and replacing him with Corey Rossi, was a clear violation of all common-sense ethics and the guidelines ADFG is supposed to follow regarding staff not being affiliated in voting positions with outside organizations.

Ralph Seekins, who is "president" of Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife - Alaska chapter (SFW-AK), has publicly stated that he met with you as SFW-AK representative to ask that Doug Larsen be removed as Director. SFW-AK also conducted an email campaign asking members to advocate for Mr Larsen's removal. The rationale they asserted for wanting Mr. Larsen removed is irrelevant, the fact that they publicly pushed for this and it took place, however, and that Corey Rossi is to now take the Director's position, is what is important here.

While all this was going on, Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife has kept Corey Rossi listed on their national website as an SFW-AK Board Member.

Here is the link: http://www.sfwsfh.org/index.cfm?pID=5

Scroll down and you'll find this listing for the Alaska section:

Note that Corey Rossi is still listed as an SFW Board member. Also his name is linked to an email address for people to ask him any questions relating to SFW. I have made you and ADFG leadership aware of this last year in 2009, as well as one of Mr Rossi's articles in an SFW newsletter that gave the appearance he was still affiliated with SFW, and was told later on that any mention of Mr Rossi on any SFW literature or website as still being a Board member or being affiliated with SFW in a voting capacity was a clerical mistake and that Corey Rossi was no longer formally affiliated with SFW, and that this "mistake" would be corrected.

But this is the 2010 copyright version (©2010 Sportsmen for Fish & Wildlife) of the SFW website and Mr Rossi's name is still on there as an SFW Board Member, and considering that SFW-AK has publicly campaigned to remove Doug Larsen as Director of DWC, and Mr. Rossi's continued affiliation with SFW as listed on their website...this whole thing with the removal of Doug Larsen and replacing him with Corey Rossi stinks to high heaven in more ways than I can even express in this missive.

The fact that Corey Rossi is still allowed to even be employed by ADFG while he is still ostensibly serving as a Board Member for SFW-AK is totally contrary as well to ADFG policy.

This has been a smoke-and-mirrors thing going on ever since I first pointed it out. It was bad enough, Denby, that you allowed Mr Rossi to represent ADFG in his new leadership position in support of the SFW-AK bear snaring and helicopter transport proposals before the Board of Game in 2009 that as an SFW-AK Board member he helped craft and advocate for. That was an obvious conflict of interest and I pointed it out publicly at the time. I took it on good faith, though, that after pointing out that Mr Rossi was still listed as SFW Board Member that Mr Rossi or someone would correct all this with SFW if he were really not still on the Alaska chapter Board, and I can no longer believe that Mr Rossi's name on the national SFW website is just a "mistake" they have yet to correct. Neither if Mr Rossi's name is removed today would that absolve ADFG from any unethical wrongdoing in this matter.

The fact is, as of right now, March 12, 2010, Corey Rossi is listed on the national organization's website as a Board Member, and is to assume the position of the man this same organization publicly pushed to have removed!

Beyond all this, this same organization is essentially now bragging that they got Doug Larsen removed and got "their man" in instead. I can't express enough, as a representative of another hunting organization, just how wrong all this is, what SFW-AK has done to publicly try to have a sitting Director removed, the tactics they have used and continue to use to influence ADFG, and the fact that apparently you have allowed the Department to be so influenced by a private hunting organization.

Mark Richards
co-chair Alaska Backcountry Hunters & Anglers
What do you find "extreme" about Mark Richards' point of view? Is there incorrect information in the article above?

Mr. Richards is a vocal advocate of sound wildlife management, which often conflicts with the agenda "kill all predators at any cost" crowd. And that is the mentality that Rossi brings with him to the ADF&G. That's why he was promoted to this position.

You are correct, there is an agenda in place. The wait-and-see attitude of AK residents will cost them in the end. When you come across a rattlesnake, you don't stick out your hand to see if he'll bite you.

Here's a letter from Mark Richards to Commissioner Lloyd:

I believe I used "extreme" to define the outer limit of the boundary. I.E. the other side of the issue. I could have used utmost point, edge of, border, outermost, farthest, widest limit, etc. I wasn't using the word Extreme defined as radical.

Oak have you ever taken a Logic class? They fall into the philosophy department in most schools. In itself a logic class is pretty stupid, but there is a lot of good information that can be gleaned from such a class if one chooses. One of the benefits of logic classes is learning how to sift through bullshit and how to rework and rewrite others writing to bare it down to the facts.

Judging from your reply, I can say with a large degree of certainty that I don't think this will work; but given the two dimensionality of text, it is worth a shot. If you care to, take Marks article, and tear it down. Remove all the unnecessary text. All the opinionated text needs to be rewritten with bias removed. Leave only the facts. The facts that can be proven and reproven and reproven. Then, use what you have created to formulate your own opinions.

That is all I was suggesting in my previous reply. That each and every other person formulate their own opinion based on the data and the facts. Don't let Mr. Richards or SFW or any other single human or organization formulate your opinion for you.

As to his letter, I have no issue with it. Was I suppose to? I already said I don't agree with Rossi's appointment.
What I DO think is that if we are going to write letters to persons in office, we need to do it right.
There needs to be a letterhead. The salutation could use work. And introduction is in order, instead of jumping feetfirst into the mess. We shouldn't use phrases like "smoke and mirrors". We need to be explicit and clear. Politicians as we all know are not the brightest peanuts in the turd and things need to be simple, clean, explicit and fast. Do you really think the commissioner read all that? Hell the first time I looked at it I didn't even read it all. We need to learn how to say what we want to say in a lot less words. (not that this reply is a great example of that :rolleyes:)

also: in no way, shape, or form was I advocating a "wait and see" attitude. merely suggesting that instead of blindly spitting out the words of another we all take the extra step to find and read all the data and facts and express our own opinions. Of course if you believe 100% everything Mark says and 100% of your views fall directly in line with all of his, then by all means... quote away.
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You said a whole lot there, but didn't really say anything. Fence-sitting? I formulated my opinion of SFW all on my own, based on the group's actions, long before I ever knew who Mark Richards was. You want me to boil Richards' letter down to facts? SFW lobbied the Commission for the removal of the Director Larsen. The Commission then removed Larsen and replaced him with a SFW board member.

You can take your smart-assed attitude and shove it. I've been studying up on SFW for a couple of years now. I know a hell of a lot more than the majority of the general public about the inner workings of the group. And I've learned enough to know that the hunter with an average-sized wallet is just a stepping stone for SFW to get where they're going. Most SFW supporters are apparently too stupid or too ignorant to figure that out.

Why don't you cut all the bullshit out of your response and tell us what you really think? No more fence-sitting.
You said a whole lot there, but didn't really say anything. Fence-sitting? I formulated my opinion of SFW all on my own, based on the group's actions, long before I ever knew who Mark Richards was. You want me to boil Richards' letter down to facts? SFW lobbied the Commission for the removal of the Director Larsen. The Commission then removed Larsen and replaced him with a SFW board member.

You can take your smart-assed attitude and shove it. I've been studying up on SFW for a couple of years now. I know a hell of a lot more than the majority of the general public about the inner workings of the group. And I've learned enough to know that the hunter with an average-sized wallet is just a stepping stone for SFW to get where they're going. Most SFW supporters are apparently too stupid or too ignorant to figure that out.

Why don't you cut all the bullshit out of your response and tell us what you really think? No more fence-sitting.

I fence sit plenty. I think both sides have points. I want you to boil down Marks ARTICLE. #*#* the letter. The article is what you were first referring to; no?

Ok. Im not disagreeing with you.. :confused: I already said several times i don't agree with the appointment of Rossi/removal of Doug (but Im glad doug is coming back to SE)..... why are you still hanging onto that?

No where did I say you didn't have knowledge. Rather im encouraging you to use your own knowledge. Post up some of what you've been studying. Let us know. If you know a hell of a lot more, you should be sharing that with the General public so that WE ALL know more. What have you learned?

You as well said a whole lot without saying anything.
And you can take your know-it-all, impudent, presumptuous attitude and shove it.

I already said what I think in regards to this thread. I disagree with the appointment of Corey Rossi. I disagree with his manner of appointment, I disagree with the manner of Larsens removal. I disagree with Nearly 100% of Rossi's viewpoints. I disagree with nearly 100% of SFWs methods and missions and agendas. I think SFW is far too political to be of any good to anyone. I think they have no place in Alaska. I think many Alaskans, (most of the ones too #*#*ing fat to get off their goddamn fourwheeler and go find some moose) fall into the political charisma that SFW effuses. Thats about as far as I think right now. I haven't come up with a perfect solution to any of Alaska's problems, and I'm willing right now to look into all types of solutions.

Would you like to know anything else? I'm 5'11, brown hair, with jew curls from wearing my hat. I hate shaving and love long walks in the deep snow and listening to a buddies foxpro under the full moon.
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I already said what I think in regards to this thread. I disagree with the appointment of Corey Rossi. I disagree with his manner of appointment, I disagree with the manner of Larsens removal. I disagree with Nearly 100% of Rossi's viewpoints. I disagree with nearly 100% of SFWs methods and missions and agendas. I think SFW is far too political to be of any good to anyone. I think they have no place in Alaska. I think many Alaskans, (most of the ones too $*)Q!#@$ fat to get off their goddamn fourwheeler and go find some moose) fall into the political charisma that SFW effuses. Thats about as far as I think right now. I haven't come up with a perfect solution to any of Alaska's problems, and I'm willing right now to look into all types of solutions.

Sounds like you got off the fence. Those things can hurt your arse if you sit there long enough. :eek:

Oak has red hair, enough said.:D

You seem like a smart guy...but I should warn you that more than a few on this hunting board are pretty smart as well...maybe even smarter than you.

Many of us have formulated opinions on SFW...and most of us are under the impression that SFW is a joke.

Don Peay, at one time (not sure if this is true anymore) started a consulting firm catering to the "high end trophy" hunter.

Seems harmless enough on the face...until you see what he has done, and what he's promoting. Doesnt take much of a detective to figure out that his mission in Utah of creating Trophy elk, more sheep, etc. was...how do I say it...not exactly hurting his side business.

I question whether its appropriate for Don Peay to have such a side business when he has as much clout politically...and as involved as he is.

It also frosted a lot of people when he said he'd only take "a certain percentage" number of tags in Utah. Most of the tags were elk tags. He had a great tool for that though. He asked for, and got the RAC's as well as the UTDWR to raise permit numbers for a short time...and base the percentage of tags on that inflated number. Then, once the 5-year agreement was reached...take a good guess what he advocated for regarding elk quotas???? Are you following...you seem smart enough to figure it out.

Thats just the start. His spin-off group in Wyoming, where I live has also tried some interesting things. Like getting transferable landowner tags, outfitter guaranteed tags, etc. I'd like to know how a group that is so concerned with wildlife management, and is largely made up of average hunters, even begin to think what they're doing for wildlife is either 1. In the best interest of the wildlfe and 2. In the best interest of the average guy.

Don is also pretty quick to jump on taking the credit for everything...including things he and SFW really had very little, if anything, to with if its a positive. Like say....elk in Utah for a classic example. The single largest factor creating the great elk hunting there is limited permits...no question. Don takes full credit for that, saying how they've spent millions on elk management. Well, I dont believe it...and if they spent millions to come up with something as simple as limiting tags, SFW has some serious questions to answer.

On to your bashing of Oak.

Its uncalled for and frankly YOU should be listening to what he has to say. He filed some FIA requests and got plenty of pertinent data on what exactly SFW is taking in, how much they're spending, and where that money is going. More importantly than what was reported...is what was NOT reported. There seems to be some pretty significant gaps in the data...at least from what I can see.

Another key issue that many have with SFW is their all-out warfare on predators. I dont think anyone is against control measures to manage predators. But, the kool-aid they peddle calls for all-out elimination of predators. If you attended the Expo the first couple years, you should recall the AKSFW booth and the T-shirts they were selling...pretty impressive.

Between what I know about SFW, as well as talking with folks like Ryan Hatch, as well as people like Oak, Big Fin, Shmalts, etc.....I think I know all I need to.

If you jump on board with SFW and you believe they are doing anything close to whats best for wildlife and the average guy...you will largely get what you deserve. Thats sitting on the side-lines, hoping to draw a tag once in your lifetime while the well-heeled hunt every year.

Their agenda is 100% clear to me....enough said.

You seem like a smart guy...but I should warn you that more than a few on this hunting board are pretty smart as well...maybe even smarter than you.

Many of us have formulated opinions on SFW...and most of us are under the impression that SFW is a joke.

Don Peay, at one time (not sure if this is true anymore) started a consulting firm catering to the "high end trophy" hunter.

Seems harmless enough on the face...until you see what he has done, and what he's promoting. Doesnt take much of a detective to figure out that his mission in Utah of creating Trophy elk, more sheep, etc. was...how do I say it...not exactly hurting his side business.

I question whether its appropriate for Don Peay to have such a side business when he has as much clout politically...and as involved as he is.

It also frosted a lot of people when he said he'd only take "a certain percentage" number of tags in Utah. Most of the tags were elk tags. He had a great tool for that though. He asked for, and got the RAC's as well as the UTDWR to raise permit numbers for a short time...and base the percentage of tags on that inflated number. Then, once the 5-year agreement was reached...take a good guess what he advocated for regarding elk quotas???? Are you following...you seem smart enough to figure it out.

Thats just the start. His spin-off group in Wyoming, where I live has also tried some interesting things. Like getting transferable landowner tags, outfitter guaranteed tags, etc. I'd like to know how a group that is so concerned with wildlife management, and is largely made up of average hunters, even begin to think what they're doing for wildlife is either 1. In the best interest of the wildlfe and 2. In the best interest of the average guy.

Don is also pretty quick to jump on taking the credit for everything...including things he and SFW really had very little, if anything, to with if its a positive. Like say....elk in Utah for a classic example. The single largest factor creating the great elk hunting there is limited permits...no question. Don takes full credit for that, saying how they've spent millions on elk management. Well, I dont believe it...and if they spent millions to come up with something as simple as limiting tags, SFW has some serious questions to answer.

On to your bashing of Oak.

Its uncalled for and frankly YOU should be listening to what he has to say. He filed some FIA requests and got plenty of pertinent data on what exactly SFW is taking in, how much they're spending, and where that money is going. More importantly than what was reported...is what was NOT reported. There seems to be some pretty significant gaps in the data...at least from what I can see.

Another key issue that many have with SFW is their all-out warfare on predators. I dont think anyone is against control measures to manage predators. But, the kool-aid they peddle calls for all-out elimination of predators. If you attended the Expo the first couple years, you should recall the AKSFW booth and the T-shirts they were selling...pretty impressive.

Between what I know about SFW, as well as talking with folks like Ryan Hatch, as well as people like Oak, Big Fin, Shmalts, etc.....I think I know all I need to.

If you jump on board with SFW and you believe they are doing anything close to whats best for wildlife and the average guy...you will largely get what you deserve. Thats sitting on the side-lines, hoping to draw a tag once in your lifetime while the well-heeled hunt every year.

Their agenda is 100% clear to me....enough said.

Buzz, thanks for the reply. Im a little late, but working does that. Thanks.. I think? For the compliments. I have no doubt there are smarter people here. In fact I'm sure there are, as well as many more people with much more experience.

I appreciate your input on the lower 48. I have a hard enough time keeping up with all of Alaska's issues, both regarding SFW and those that don't. That is why Im here in the first place, to learn more about hunting and outdoors in the lower 49. I have no doubt that your opinion of SFW is spot on for the lower 48. And YOUR post revealed a bit more information than I already knew, and for that I am appreciative.

Bahsing? Dude? Are you serious? If you think I was bashing Oak, you need to get out more. I respect the man for what he's done. I've seen all the pics. The goat and the killer sheep top my lists of favorite stories for sure. He simply didn't like what I said. Perhaps it was the dripping sarcasm, or perhaps he's simply been staying up late with the new baby. I don't know. He started it anyway :D I started off in this thread saying to be cautious, and to read all the data before formulating an opinion. I responded again; cautioning people to be careful of what they read. We as the politically right, or the conservation minded group of hunters, spew all sorts of oral slurs at the opposite side for being sheep and following blindly after anyone and everyone without actually hearing or knowing what they are saying. Yet, we become dangerously close to doing the same many times.

All I said so far is to be careful. Take Marks article, well written though it may be, with a certain grain of salt.

Take this short segment:
Partisan politics and an extreme agenda by the “kill the predators” lobby has led to the complete corruption of our Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) under Governors’ Palin and Parnell.

Early in 2009, Palin created a brand new #3 position at ADFG, “Assistant Commissioner of Abundance Management,” and installed family friend Corey Rossi to oversee the radical “abundance” agenda Mr. Rossi had been promoting as the spokesman for a new organization, the Alaska chapter of Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife (SFW-AK), headed up by former state senator Ralph Seekins.

At the same time, the #2 position of Deputy Commissioner was given to Pat Valkenburg, a former ADFG biologist who at the time was an Alaska Outdoor Council Board member and advocate for legalizing bear snaring in Alaska.

The first paragraph has to be thrown out, it's completely opinionated with no factual basis. "Palin" created... c'mon. it should read more like A new position at ADFG was created.. "family friend", proofless (here anyway), axe it. radical gets axed. If he's going to quote, he needs to tell us what it is he's quoting.

... Do you see where Im going with this?? Mark has a lot of opinionated excess in there that hinders others from getting the FACTS to create their OWN opinion. Im saying that everyone needs to be aware of that.

Keep in mind, I LIVE here. I went to all the BOG meetings. Both this year and last. I listened on the live radio link when I could not attend. I listened to the SE BOG meetings. I go to USFS meetings. I have met Mark, and like I said I have an immense respect for him and agree with him on many issues. I spend as much time as possible in the outdoors. I hunt, I fish, I hike. I read the regs, I apply for tags. I make an effort to stay up on all of Alaska's issues, just as you guys stay up on all the issues down there. I wish all of you could spend a whole season up here to see what happens. From the BOG meetings to the actually hunting with the access issues and the costs associated with just a handful of hunts.

AS to the predator management up here. Well I would agree with you that it has potential to spin out of control. But as of now I haven't seen enough facts on either side. If one side has a biologist that says one thing, the other finds a bio who says the opposite. The numbers are terrible because counting predators isn't an easy task. I've yet to formulate a hard opinion yet. As of right now... the next couple months will be telling. And if it comes to it, I can be counted on to stand for what I think is right and take it as far as possible. But right now I just haven't seen enough of what the plan really is, what the current numbers are, and what we want to take them to, who is going to do it, and right now the "why" remains the most hotly debated issue. If the why is simply to create more prey numbers so lazy hunters can shoot something every single year, then I am in disagreement. IF the why is create a more healthy and sustainable ecosystem for ALL, then I support it, while I find their techniques somewhat less than classy. I want more data before I start jumping the gun.

Im not jumping on board with anyone. Im lucky to draw one tag every year as it is, at least realistic tags that I can afford to hunt. Thats Alaska.
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Im not jumping on board with anyone. Im lucky to draw one tag every year as it is, at least realistic tags that I can afford to hunt. Thats Alaska.

What part of AK you live in son? Hell its cheaper to fly to the 48 and do a hunt than a fly out hunt up here! ;)

BTW we got a deep fryer and everything in the freezer is going in it tomorrow night! Stop on by if your not busy. Also have a lot of beer in the fridge. Moose Drool, Kokanee, sure there will be some Ambers in there....
What part of AK you live in son? Hell its cheaper to fly to the 48 and do a hunt than a fly out hunt up here! ;)

BTW we got a deep fryer and everything in the freezer is going in it tomorrow night! Stop on by if your not busy. Also have a lot of beer in the fridge. Moose Drool, Kokanee, sure there will be some Ambers in there....

Thanks for the deep fry boys. Damn good time. I still think you should steal the tay from ty... just to prove you can. :hump:

Don't forgeeet tonight. Beer is on you.
Sorry, I was out for a week or so. If I got this straight the state of Alaska just appointed a guy who doesn't have the credentials to even get a entry level weir counting position, to run the states Division of Wildlife. Now that's the biggest damned joke I've heard in a long time.
Regarding auction permits in AK:

Under AS 16.05.343(c), any nonprofit organization dedicated to fish and game law enforcement, management of hunted game species, or use of game populations for hunting may apply to auction a big game permit. Up to two permits per species per year may be auctioned under this program. Big game species include Dall sheep, bison, musk ox, brown or grizzly bear, moose, caribou, and wolf. An amount equal to administrative costs plus up to 10% of the net proceeds may be retained by the organization; the remainder is used to fund state wildlife management programs. A complimentary hunting license and big game tag will be provided to winners of these permits.

Qualified organizations may request a permit for any draw hunt in the state with an open season for nonresidents. Draw hunt information can be found on our website at the Alaska Drawing Permits page. You must request a specific draw hunt (e.g., Tok Management Area sheep hunt DS 102); general requests such as "any bear" or "any moose" will not be considered. The department, at its discretion, may choose not to offer a permit for a specific population/hunt during any given year. Permits will be awarded as follows:
  • You may request up to five permits; however, a maximum of three will be awarded to any one organization.
  • No more than one harvest permit per species will be awarded to any one organization.
  • Only one permit will be awarded for a particular wildlife population, i.e., not more than one Delta bison permit, one Tok sheep permit, or one Unimak brown bear permit will be awarded under this program each year.
  • Final decisions on awarding permits are made by the Director, ADF&G Division of Wildlife Conservation.

So whats the issue?

Looks to me like SWF could only get up to 3 tags.

Do you think they will try and get it changed to allow more tags to be auctioned?
If a good ol' AK resident like you doesn't have an issue, then I guess there isn't one. :)

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