NBA - Milwaukee Baby!


Well-known member
Dec 6, 2017
I’m not a huge basketball fan but cool to see that our overpriced new stadium is working to pay for itself...Milwaukee baby! Giannis putting the team on his back! Great comeback after losing the first two.
I will say a great team to play against and I like Chris Paul.
Now we just need Aaron Rodgers to smoke some weed and sign...
Pretty sweet, did not think I would ever see the day the Bucks were NBA Champs. Let's go for the trifecta, Brewers next and then Packers!
Giannis was truly “The Greek Freak.” He’s one of those athletes that just doesn’t make sense, a true rule breaker. He’s so big and so athletic. It was awesome that he shot his free throws so well. His story is amazing; a sidewalk salesman in Greece to NBA superstar… I also love that he is so family driven and loyal.
If you're the Suns you got what you wanted and came up short. If Giannis shoots his career or post season average on FT's, and Booker hits just one of his seven threes it goes the other way. Impressive performance though and I do like the Bucks.
A day later, still can’t believe it actually happened. Listening to sports radio to and from work appointments today was awesome, the callers all seemed so happy. Love Giannis, what a gift to Wisconsin sports fans!


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Chris Paul will be a Laker next season. mtmuley
There were already rumors swirling. I don’t know about him. What great player and teammate bounces from good team to good team like him? I know it’s the way of the NBA now, a free market, but it raises questions. This wasn’t even the best team he’s been on. The Clippers in his, Griffin, Jordan, and mores prime was so great to watch.
There were already rumors swirling. I don’t know about him. What great player and teammate bounces from good team to good team like him? I know it’s the way of the NBA now, a free market, but it raises questions. This wasn’t even the best team he’s been on. The Clippers in his, Griffin, Jordan, and mores prime was so great to watch.
The year he had the hamstring thing in the WCF against the Warriors - that Rockets team may have been a better team as well.
Not nearly as fun to watch
But do yall think an offense featuring bron and Westbrook is really ideal? I love watching Westbrook play but I don't know if he is a net positive on a team with other outstanding offensive players.

If LeBron wants to be third man half the time and let WB and Davis run the show it could be deadly. But idk if the team is big enough for all three to play together effectively
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