My wife is funny

Oofda. I went through that 5 months ago but can still feel it like it was yesterday. I’ve never loved frozen vegetables so much. Doc gave me the all clear two months ago. It was worth it.
I thought it was the final four. Looking to get one my self. Wife isn’t so inclined for the operation. To bad Zion is in the nba.
I pretended it hurt day-of so I could lay on the couch, watch a Brewer game and eat a pizza. The next day I went out and scouted a cattail marsh for deer, so my cover was pretty much blown after that.
Listen to the doc and take it easy. I didn't, and decided to go back to framing the next day. Balls swelled up like a pair of oranges. I don't care what the song says, big balls are not fun!

since nobody here has mentioned this I hope your doctor did. Wait at least three months before you discontinue birth control

or o_O
I was required to send samples back. Through the mail no less. Without HazMat. mtmuley