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My sons' elk season


Well-known member
Mar 9, 2011
eastern Washington
All three of my sons had a great elk season. This season ended early for me with a messed up back and leg during onion harvest back in September, 0 days hunting all year. I did make it out for one quick trip while my middle son was looking for elk, but unfortunately wasn't there when any of them got their bull. First up was my youngest son who got his bull and his first elk with a 6.5 PRC.
I had told my sons to feel free to use my new rifle in 7 SAUM, so its first animal was when my oldest son got his bull.
Last year my middle son had gotten a good bull and said he wouldn't shoot one until his brothers got theirs. Karma paid off for him and he was able to use my rifle on this bull.
They were able to all hunt together on the first trip and then had two of them together for the other trips. I really regret having never been there when they got their bulls, but I think hunting together was good for them. They had to do a lot of crawling and belly crawling to get on their bulls, not much vegetation for cover where they hunted. Also, the obligatory rifle pic of the gun that I still haven't hunted with. I think rifle camo is for the hunter more than the hunted, but this one almost blends in too well.
Sorry about your injury. I hope you get to make up for it next year. But wow, your sons sure did have a great season. Great photos and a rifle worth coveting!
Good looking bulls and guns. Your boys definatly have it dialed in! Sorry about your injury and hope you heal up soon.
Your family's hunts are always good for critter and armory pics.....heal up be well.
Hope you feel better soon. That's gotta make you proud to see your sons get it done like that. All beautiful bulls and that gun is also a beaut!
It would seem that your sons have learned well the arts of sneaking, shooting rifles and shooting cameras all with great proficiency.

A big congratulations to you and your boys
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