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Muzzleloaders in MT

Hem, are you willing to give up all the General Rifle Season and Weapons Restricted Area muzzleloader opportunity to have a one week separate muzzleloader season?
was not a proposal. It was a question.

Hem, you have expressed valid points and a respectful position. Consider how the archery-only season has evolved. It took decades of hard work and the passionate involvement of hundreds (if not thousands) of archery hunters to form a viable strong MBA, which is a well respected Montana hunters' organization that professionally and effectively advocates on behalf of its membership with FWP, as well as the Legislature.

If there is a similar group of muzzleloader advocates, then work for advocacy through a similar process.
The key word is "work"! However, I would discourage submission of the name "Toby" in any of your nominations for key positions.
you know,I am not that passionate about the idea.Its just a thought.I understand the evolution of our hunting privileges and respect the fact that we have it good right now.There are far more important issues to be faced right now,than whimsical notions of more hunting time.
Not only, No! . . . . but Hell No!

A Muzzeloader is a firearm and belongs in the General Big Game season with all the other firearms.
If we do a black powder season, will Black Powder Cartridges be allowed? What about inlines? Should it be primitive only?

As for a timeframe: You theoretically could expand the opportunity to allow a muzzleloader season in December, post general rifle.

Not that I'm sold on it. 5 weeks of rifle hunting seems like plenty to take the smokepole for a walk.
The notion of a week season in December,primitive only,would be attractive.Understandably this extends a liberal hunt time.From a purely selfish stand point it would provide a chance to follow up on any unfilled tags with a toned down experience,far fewer hunters. I don't think this would impact game populations significantly,but the flip side is realizing that our game has been stressed enough at this point and needs a break,especially with hard winter weather looming.Clearly there would be an extra cost factor for Fand G, and as well Block management members have probably had enough of the whole shebang for the year.The greater concern ,as I stated before, really boils down to our game populations as they stand right now .Indications are that Montana is not currently the land of plenty(for a variety of reasons) and further hunting beyond the scope doesn't sound wise.Fun to muse about without getting all worked up.
The notion of a week season in December,primitive only,would be attractive.Understandably this extends a liberal hunt time.From a purely selfish stand point it would provide a chance to follow up on any unfilled tags with a toned down experience,far fewer hunters. I don't think this would impact game populations significantly,but the flip side is realizing that our game has been stressed enough at this point and needs a break,especially with hard winter weather looming.Clearly there would be an extra cost factor for Fand G, and as well Block management members have probably had enough of the whole shebang for the year.The greater concern ,as I stated before, really boils down to our game populations as they stand right now .Indications are that Montana is not currently the land of plenty(for a variety of reasons) and further hunting beyond the scope doesn't sound wise.Fun to muse about without getting all worked up.

Good stuff Hem.

We do hunt elk into late January/early feb in some places (damage hunts). Maybe the last week of December? Give critters and landowners a break?

Like I said, not personally vested in this, unless they include BPCR's. ;)
Good Points Hem I think hunter demands are really stressing populations in MT at this time with the recent winter kills that happened. Extentending opportunity even more is not a good thing. But I have no dog in this fight just throwing my 2 cents in.
Retard Alert!

Is that a clear, well-articulated carefully worded logical communication of opinion, information, caution, worry, or personal position? 'Just asking ... since I'm obviously too retarded to understand what that means.
It's clear as a bell and spot on. It's also funny to the 95% of MT residents who have the same opinion of a statewide musket season.
Is that a clear, well-articulated carefully worded logical communication of opinion, information, caution, worry, or personal position? 'Just asking ... since I'm obviously too retarded to understand what that means.

Yeah, but people who kill more/bigger animals(or live in Montana & Alaska) on this website are smarter than everyone else on this website...

Get used to it.
A ticking time bomb waiting for some feedback from the almighty himself.Love how you pop in Greenie for some mid winter discussion(albeit redundant topic) and bless us with some words of wisdom.We all know your opinion...blah blah..B.P. is gay.Could you be in the closet,per chance? :):)
Sorry. It's from the heart though. Home with bad food poisoning, so knowing that should console the MT pole smoking rifle season advocates. The thoughtful replies to this topic were right off the bat, Straight Arrow's in particular. This does bring back memories of the "Crossbows" thread in the archery section.. back to my throne.
I would be willing to consider trading out the last week or so of rifle for primitive bp. I stand by the opinion that are season is to generous, why do we get a buck/bull tag every year. We are hunting ourselves out of opportunities, at this rate there will be nothing left. Virtually nothing has been done to address the explosion of archers in the field.
One thing to consider regarding another season . . . . landowner tolerance. These folks are bombarded from Aug. 15 on through the end of the rifle seasons. I remember something about the landowners not wanting another season, because they need a break.
One thing to consider regarding another season . . . . landowner tolerance. These folks are bombarded from Aug. 15 on through the end of the rifle seasons. I remember something about the landowners not wanting another season, because they need a break.

They're bombarded through the end of wolf season these days.

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