Mule Deer Rut

van franke

Active member
Nov 9, 2009
The mule deer are starting to kick into gear on the plains of colorado. Im going to give you guys a virtual hunt as I try to shoot a buck with my bow. I already have close to 150 hours of glassing in, Ive spent four weekends and i usually get 2 hours a day either before or after work in trying to find a shooter. The big boys are ready to come out and play here are some pics.
Found this guy last night. 11/16 I was driving down the road and saw fresh tracks got out and checked them out and holly cow one was as big as my hand I will post pics. Not all big tracks are from big deer but all big deer leave big tracks. Followed the tracks and found some does and knew he had to be bedded there. I hung out till dark and then he stood up, the pics not the best but he is a big one. Very good back forks good mass all the way out and dark horns. He is only three on his right side but if I get close ill stick him.

11/17 Saw this guy moving this morning at ten.


4:00pm Check out this fork horn. Look at his neck, I believe his an older deer in regression.

4:30pm I got to 51 yards from this one tonight but I didnt feel confident in the shot so I didnt take it. I was so pumped up. It was right before dark and I didnt feel comfortable with that distance at such an awsome deer. He shouldnt go anywhere so hopefully I can close the distance later this week.

Thanks for sharing, I'd stick any of those given the chance, That forkie would be neat just for the cool factor, and I'd agree, it's a very mature deer, but wtf do I know?
Good stuff Franke. I am thinking guys will be on standby, hoping you get anyone one of those bucks.

Good luck, and keep us updated.
Well the weekend was kind of a disappointment after the way last week was looking. The warmer weather might of pushed movement to nighttime hours for the bigger bucks or I just couldnt run into them. Sunday I watched four small bucks chase a group of nine does around for 5 hours and ended up with them within 35 yards but no shooters in the group and I left my camera in the pickup. I was hoping a big buck would stop into check on the does but it didnt happen. I have some other pics I will post when I get time. With three days to hunt over thanksgiving hopefully I can seal the deal. Good luck to everyone and have a great thanksgiving.
Good luck. There sure are some nice bucks out on the plains. That's a crazy forkhorn.
Well Thanksgiving came and went, hopefully everyone had a good one. The rut seems to have come to a stand still with 70 degree temps on Friday. It has been absolutely beautiful weather unless your hunting. Have seen some smaller bucks but the big ones seem to have disappeared I have some pics from the last couple weeks. Rifle opens on the first so Im done hunting until the fifteenth, hopefully I can find one that falls into a pattern and captilize.
Here is some more pics of the forkhorn I got this week.



A couple others I ran into



Saw this buck chasing does before thanksgiving.

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Very cool pics! Best of luck and keep us updated once archery starts again.
I had a buck run a doe across the road in front of me last just at dark. He was in full rut that is for sure.
Well 2009 has come to an end and with it my hunting season. My tag went unpunched this year, things were looking great before thanksgiving and then the bigger bucks disappeared. It is hard to be disappointed, it was a new unit for me and I found alot of bucks. The outlook for next year looks very good. Here is some of the bucks that made it past the last rifle season. Some arent the best pictures.









Franke, deosn't that suck that the rifle guys got to step in and blast away at all those bucks that you got so close to? or were you in a archery only area? Did you get him?
The weapon used in the unit doesnt bother me if it is used by a true hunter. Its the guys that forget its how you take an animal that make it a trophy, not just how many inches are on its head. There is 2 rifle, and a muzzleloader season in that unit but I dont think they had a big affect on the deer I was after. I was hunting some spots most people overlook.
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