Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

MT up


Well-known member
Jan 12, 2009
At least the deer permits are via the backdoor (bonus point) method.
Deer tag for myself and my dad! (If the bonus points are right).

I may have to get myself fired from work. That is now 2 deer tags, moose tag, and sheep tag between me, dad and brother.
Deer B licenses are up now as well. My dad drew a pretty good tag for the second year in a row.

update/edit: Turns out both my best friend and his wife drew the same tag as my dad. Should kill some good deer and have a fun hunt between the three of them.
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Sounds like fun, Randy and Drake.

Looks like I get to have some fun myself, via a Bridger mulie permit.
elk bonus points are up, nothing for me besides the doe tag so far. Come on speed goat:D
Wow, all my elk bonus points are gone, but my son has an extra point.

Could I have drawn my first choice for elk?
Congrats Fin! I'm assuming it's a good tag too?

Good luck on your tag too Carl, can't wait to hear how your hunt goes. Just don't do anything stupid like shoot a whitetail ;)
Congrats Fin! I'm assuming it's a good tag too?

Yeah, probably good enough that the OYOA cameras would be following along on this one. But, until I see my name on the list, I am not going to start the victory dance just yet.

Good luck on your tag too Carl, can't wait to hear how your hunt goes. Just don't do anything stupid like shoot a whitetail ;)

Hey now, you aren't referring to a specific guy who shot a whitetail in a year that he had a Bridger tag, now are you? Watch it.
Dang Randy, you're going to have to film some extra hunts this year to use next year, the way things are going. Congrats on the draw.
Congrats Fin! I'm assuming it's a good tag too?

Good luck on your tag too Carl, can't wait to hear how your hunt goes. Just don't do anything stupid like shoot a whitetail ;)

That was a whopper of a whitetail he shot. I wouldn't have held out for a muley if I had a shot on a whitetail like that.

Good Luck to the rest of you dirty dogs who drew my Bridger tag:mad: Oh well 7 points and maybe next year.
That was a whopper of a whitetail he shot. I wouldn't have held out for a muley if I had a shot on a whitetail like that.

Definitely, just flinging crap for the sake of flinging crap ;)
I told him on the 'other' site at the time that I would've gladly burned that tag for a whitey like that.
Heck yeah! Drew two tags a Cow tag and B tag in the same area, letting me spend more time in one place, really learning the area, and focusing on big white tails! This will be an OYO adventure that I have been putting in for in one way or another for 10 years!

I am really stoked, as I typically have terrible luck with elk/deer draws. I better get going on the PT, so my knee holds together.

Matt aka shortside
Results are now officially posted for elk, and I did draw the either-sex elk tag as my first choice. :p

Man, now I almost feel guilty about complaining a week ago that I was skunked out of the draws in ND, NV, and VT.

It will be a hard hunt, and finding elk will be difficult, but there are some very big bulls to be had for those of us lucky enough to have a tag.
Well I finally cashed in my points on a tag that's taken 3 years of bonus points to draw, a coveted deer B tag that let's me shoot a mule deer doe.

At this point - I'm crossing my fingers for a MT antelope permit.
I'm assuming the area starts with a 4 or a 6 Fin?

Antelope bonus points are updated now as well. Not counting super tags, I'm 0 for 17 the last two seasons in MT. That's with putting in for antelope, a ridiculously easy to draw A9, and a B tag as well as all the hard tags. I guess FWP's just making me build all my luck up for one season.

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