MT Draw Week

Nothing. Not even the 900 archery elk tag I used to get every year which was nice since I could hunt elk without driving 2+ hours. Ohh well. On to hoping and being disappointed with gaining points on the big tags in a couple months.
Randy11, congrats on the deer permit!

No luck for me...guess I'll just get to hunt the general areas with my $80 NR elk tag and $64 NR deer tag.
Nothing for me, my dad, or my brother. but we were trying to draw tags with a 0.5% success rate, so we didn't have our hopes to high. congrats to everyone who did draw!
No dice will settle for deer combo and elk B . Last year had same B tag and had 10 bulls look at me at 200 yards on legal ground ........ Never saw a cow . That's disappointing
No luck for dad and I on the limited entry, but we will be in Montana for the elk/deer combo. Can't wait!
411-20 bull for me , Bridger buck tags for the wife and oldest boy and Lima peaks deer for my dad. Should keep me busy
MONTANA SUCKS!!!! they took my max deer pts and gave me a 270-50 mule deer buck tag.

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