Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Moosie's 2008 triathlon


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So, I started a thread back in 1/22/2008:

It was at first a thought. Coming out of the winter weighing in more than I ever have I decided I wanted to try something new. At first it was more of a joke, but after saying it a few times and 1-pointer taking me up on the offer to race, I was committed. The first few months I thought I had plenty of time. Then it got to crunch time with me breaking my right hand and out of training for 7 weeks and a trip to Africa. I had other reasons not to train, and the excuses piled up. I was called out by someone here cough*OAK*cough and I knew no matter what I was racing.

With a few days left to the race, I had 2 swims under my belt and 1 bike ride that was close to 1 mile. Nothing near what I needed, but it was something I had to do.

I had to rent a bike, buy a wetsuit, new shoes, goggles, shorts, and the list goes on. What have I done ?!?!! But here I AM.

We drove to Pocatello and then drove to Rexburg to the night before first time racers meeting. There were more rules and info then my brain could comprehend that night. Afterwards we had dinner with 1-pointer and his wife and kid. Driving home we had to buy some last minute items. Who knew I had to wear a Bike Helmet ?!?!!

Going to bed at midnight is a normal night, but the 4:30AM wakeup call was almost too much. We woke the kids (My fan club) and took off to Rexburg.

We got there a little late and as you will see in following pictures, we had to park the farthest from the place we get out of the swim. We even didn't have carpet to sit on to change into out racing attire. Anyways, enough babbling, I have a lot of pictures :

The night before the race around 11:30 reading the rules and trying on my new equipment :


We got there and it was in the upper 40's. I wasn't looking forward to the water but was barely awake enough to notice :


1-Pointer and me, ready or not, here we are !!


The swim was crazy. About 100 guys hit the water all at once. Vicki was taking the pictures but the course was sectioned off so viewers had to stay out of the transition areas.

Vicki and the kids were stading in spot and jsut as I was getting there she was leaving. I stoped swimming and whistled at her. She recognized it right away and looked for me in the group. We weren't allowed to raise our hand for that called in the boats for rescue. So I got a mouth of water and made a fountain !!! They saw me and cheared at that point !!



Although years ago... (Almost 30 years ago) I was on a swim team, I hadn't trained and it took about 10 mins of flailing in the water to catch my pace. I slowed down many times and went to the back stroke. I can honestly say I was exhausted !! I did make the swim time at just over 23 mins. I was shooting for 28 (Just from freinds results from last year) so I was happy at the time I got.



Here is Mason and Grandma looking good after chearing me on !! Zach is on the left of the pictures watchingthe race still


We got out of the water (Far side of the picture), and there were "strippers" there. we took the suit 1/2 way off, sat down and 2 people grabbed the legs and ripped the wetsuit from your body. You then ran to your bike, dried off, and put on your shoes, packed your chizz in a bag, ran the bike to the far side of the next picture, mounted your bike, and started the bike part.

I was hopeing for Sub 2 minutes in this part but hit almost 4.5 minutes. I did run to the sidelines, Highfive all my kids, kiss the wife, slap my butt, danced a little dance, then took off. But hey, I wasn't here to win, It was about the pictures !!! My wife said ALL the people around cheared for me taking time to high five the boys.....


After high fiving the boyz, I ran back to the Bike to go to part 2 of the race... the Bike part !!


Another kiss to the wife and putting on my helmet for the first time :


I get the bike going and her e I am "zooming" (Yah thats sarcasm..) by the wife :


My SHOCKA to the crowd. Look at me mom, no hands :


So, I was truely wondering if I would make it on the bike part. We had several hills to climb. So, I brought my phone to call the wife if I jsut couldn't make it. As I was struggling up the first long hill towards the rexburg temple. Some Athletic machine blew by me like he was on a motorbike. Ohhh well, moving along I decided to call the wife and say I was by the temple. I got out "By the temple" She said congrats and asked some question but I hung up on her as I couldn't talk because I was breathing to hard...

As I got to the top,there was a slight hill in a straight line. At this point, I took some camera phone pictures and texed messaged a few buddies. I wasn't going to go any faster and I get lonley, so I wanted some company *smile*

Here is a couple pics I took from my camera phone.

The long straight part :


Here is one of me takeing a picture of me :


Some dude blowing by me :


Some "Motivation"..... :


I called the wife again letting her know I had less than 1 mile left. The home stretch on the bike part. She was there and ready for a picture. I yelled out my favorite movie quote "SAVE ME A PIECE OF THAT CORN...EH ?" as she snapped the picture of me going by :

After the bike came the run. I slowly came out of the gate running back towards the wife again. And what did they have ? YAHHHHH baby !!! McDonalds food !!!! BOOOYAH !!! Just what ol' Moosie needed to continue. I mean really, the Energy drinks are one thing, but a Pop and a choco shake before a run is the best... Its, Fantastic *Smile*



You know, I'd love to say how tough I am and how it was a Breeze, but I rounded the next corner about 75 yards down the road and my leg started to cramp and the lungs were killing. I started to walk slowly for a bit then took off again.

One of the cool things about the race was the Interaction of people. Now, Mostly it was interaction on my part. there was over 400 people donation thier time. Each intersection had people in yellow shirts telling you what direction to go. there was also people on the sidelines in the subdivisions rooting us on.

At one point I told some folks I needed either a cigarett or Beer to continue. I had to laugh she said she had water and.... Uhhhhhh... Peanut butter. I think I took her offguard because you can tell in the pause she had no answer. It was very funny on my ar and kept me going. I also HIGH FIVED everyone at all the corners. Some people really rooted us on, while others were standing there like they were stuck for the day and didn't want to be there. The motivated people were GREAT !!!

The run made us go up a dirt trail and at the top we turned and ran down a paved road through a subdivision. We ran back to the school and onto the track. We did a 3/4 run along the track and then ended. As I got to the school track, I was done. Mentally I couldn't believe I was there and I started to walk. One gal that ran up to me said "this is the part where everyone see's you, get to running !!!". At that point I kicked it in gear and ran to the end.

Here I was at the beginning of the track with the gal jsut after she got me running again :


Here I am ending the race.



I got the camera and got a picture of 1-pointer. He came over and gave me a High Five :


KUDOS 1-pointer !!!!!


I felt proud finishing it but was partially crushed in amaisment when this 5 year old came into the finishing area :


There were several dad/son and dad/daughter teams. The next dad daughter team you could tell she was done. If you look at the picture her face says it all. He motivated her and she took off again to run the final track length. I was blown away. He must have said something like that one gal told me. *smile*


But truthfully, What more motivation would I need then my wife, at the end, cheering me on !!!

Wife again :)


So.... My wife was happy I didn't die, my boys were happy we could go eat and I was happy jsut to be done !!! Here is my 2nd to youngest worrying about me not getting enough to drink. i asked for a "cold one" so he gave me some water. Man, kids have alot to learn :


And, the 2 racers. BTW, the rest of you guys are pansies !!!!


I had to spend a lot on this race. With new wetsuits to entry fees to running shoes, bike attire, clothing and let alone fuel and food in the traveling over. But what I didn't expect was the following pictures. After traveling all the way back to Boise, I had the bike on top of the Tahoe. I was so happy to get home I drove the truck into the garage. I gues the bike on top didn't remind me I should unload it first. OOPS !!!



Other then that, the costs are over, except the cost of recovery. My guess is I will forget about the pain before I do it again next year. Anyone else want to join 1-pointer and me ?
Getting #196 : $40
Wetsuit : $300
Renting bike ; $90
running shoes : $95
shorts to match shoes : $30
glasses to match shorts : $20
Fuel : $150
goggles, swimcap, Sports undies, water bottle, etc : another $100
fixing broken bike : couple hundy

I'm in with $20 that says Moosie can't finish it.

Getting $20 from Oak......


......As far as my Time, I'm not sure what I got. I saw some preliminary info and UNOFFICIALLY I was 2nd in my class. Heck, maybe there was only 2 of us, I'm not sure. *wink* But I came in around 1:51 I think. i thought he anounced 1:40 something while I was running but maybe it took longer to get around that track then I thought. My goal was to beat 2:05 as a couple buddies time were right in that area from last year. After "DRIVING" (Yes with a car) the bike course the night before my goal was closer to 2:30-2:45. I was dang happy with my time and glad I did it. I'm sure with training I wouldn't have done much better, but next year we'll see :D :D When the time comes out, I'll post the results.
My wife is glad the $20 is going towards your coordinating sunglasses...homo. ;)
Nice job! I see you even knocked off one of the training wheels.

HAHA.. I had to have my wife explain that one to me greeny. I called her in because I was talking to myself out loud, WHAT does he mean by training wheels ?!?!?! Thats funny....

Whats cool about my racing is the boys saw the other kids doing it and they want to race in a race with me next year. We'll have to see, but I might let my 2 older boys do it if they train. My thinking is they are still too young. But the 5 year olf kid >!>!>!>! Hopefully they get sidetract between now and next year. :eek:
The swiming part of the race was to go around Buoy's. My wife said a few of the gals turned and went the wrong way by the finish. Although i believed her I couldn't imagine. that being said, look at this blown up picture of the gal in the top right of the screen. she did a 90 deg turn here and headed back to the start, which was the 4th leg of the swim....that didn't exist. either that, or they jsut flat out got turned around.


On the McDonald shot, I had a few other ideas and we ended up not doing it. My wife said I should just recreate them after the race but I thought if it wasn't part of the race people would know.... hell, I would know, and that isn't as funny.

It's all about the pictures, not winning ;) HIGH FIVE !!!!! :D :D
Good work moosie!! And what a way to end it running into your house. That is awesome!! Really good work. I may be interested in that for next year.
What place did pointer take???

I'm not sure. I got in before him is all I know. As I was calling people on the phone bike riding and walking durring the run part I was sure 1-pointer was goingto tap my shoulder. They didn't have all the scores up and we didn't stick around. I had a date with Artic circle COKE and a Burger :D. I took second in my "class" but not 2nd over all. I nly know that because they had my name 2nd. (Maybe they jsut didn't have any other names up yet ?!?!?!) I don't want to sound like an athlete or anything. I was in the 35-39 group. I'm a "Clydesdale" which is the fat mans group. When the scores get posted, I'll let you know.

And what a way to end it running into your house. I may be interested in that for next year.

HAHA.. yah, running into the house, I'm brilliant. |oo:BLEEP:

Would be Awesome to have a bunch of guys next year. truth be told I've been contacted by several hunttalkers that want to do the BRIDGER run.... I jsut don't know if I'm man enough to try. that chizz looks impossible !!!!!
I'd never attempt something like that. I'd drown. Also, my kids could outride me on a bicycle, I could force myself to do the jogging part, but wouldn't like it, especially knowing how I'd die in the water or be humiliated on a bicycle.
That's awesome, and as always and entertaining narrative. I may be up for next year. Pictures are awesome, I have spent many days and evenings in those Madison High School bleachers watching my kids take on the Bobcats.
CONGRATS....and great time
great job guys! I can't run long because of my knees, and I don't swim good, more like "stay afloat" enough. So you did something I could never do
Congrats on surviving. Look at the bright side, if you had to crash the bike, that is the way to do it.:D:D:D

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