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Moosie Challenge 2012

6speed... You work out..... Tell me what ya did, and I'll help you fill in the boxes. It's pretty simple. I have faith that if you can find Game in he woods, you can put numbers in a box ;)

Got it figured, downloaded to Kindle from the link here. I had to update to the pro version of the doc viewer in order to make any changes. I was able to add my two vices for electives. No Tobacco, I've been pretty good already so it shouldn't be to hard, perhaps a good cigar when my son is born in March but that's worth losing a couple points. No Booze, I'll lose points during the Superbowl and on St. Patrick's day but other than that I think I can manage. The no booze should also increase my weight loss so I'm good all around. Or less round perhaps.
That's the problem for me. Swimming and relaxing can't be in the same sentence.:D You ever seen a one arm swimmer.....that's me.

Alright Moosie I hear ya. I'm going to start my training with your program. I think I'm going to follow a little different format but it's all good.

This is the one that helps me keep perspective this time of year.

define necessity.jpg
I am gonna try to get a bunch of guys with the fire department here to join me. Especially the reading part.:D
I'd do it, but I'm computer illegitimate, and can't make the Excel file download, I guess I'm doing it on paper.
If one of my electives is to quit cursing, how do you get points on that? Is it 20 points for every 10 minutes I don't curse? I might rack up 200-300 points a week on that one.

I am gonna try to get a bunch of guys with the fire department here to join me. Especially the reading part.:D

Just let me know where I should send those picture books I still have boxed up from when my boys were toddlers. I suspect Curious George will be a big hit if the FFs up there are like the station guys I know down here.
I coach my sons hockey team. Would that hour of time on the ice count as a work out? Light or Hard? I seem to leave the ice drenched with sweat every time.

I'm in on this. Should help me get ready for the season before June or July like I normally seem to do.
I'd call that a bucket list item.

Dink, share pictures when you achieve yer bucket list item :p That's a Date night and a "hard" workout I'd say... throw in an aduly magazine and read that to count for reading points and your numbers will go throgh the roof !!! ;)

...............So, I'm not the "points" judge. Matter of fact, put down eleventy million points a day if you want. I'm doing this to stay focused and loose a couple pounds and tone up. Thats "my" reason. It's like shooting a big buck. There are guys that will take someone elses buck or bull and then say they killed it. We hear those sad stories all the time on HuntTalk. I'm not putting down any points I didn't earn.

It's great to see people getting on board. Whether it's this or something else, the end result will put you further and faster in the hills in 2012 and hopefully get the Critter you're seeking.

Good luck onthe draws this year !!!
Sunday and cussing?? You should be ashamed! Still holding on with my own diet (if it tastes good spit it out). Holding at 12lb weight loss since October hunting. Doc says for me not to lose any more, but having a spell with blood sugar, high blood pressure and cholesterol, it became a no brainer. Knowing I can't stick with you young guys pumping iron, I will still go with my slog (walk/jog) until my vegetables start sweating and have a touch of bourbon for a job well done.
Good luck to to all! We are all living on renting time. Just go out there and be nice to somebody.
The ducks were nice to us today. walked a couple miles, carrying a bunch of crap on my back, didn't have to cuss my dog, he remembered that he knows his manners.I don't know how many points, cause I told you I'm computer tard, but it was exercise and being out. Now I just have to figure out the deal on date night, is that the night we lock the kid in the closet?
Knowing I can't stick with you young guys pumping iron, I will still go with my slog (walk/jog) until my vegetables start sweating and have a touch of bourbon for a job well done.
Good luck to to all! We are all living on renting time. Just go out there and be nice to somebody.

Dude, I can't hang with most of my friends, but thats not why I do this. Jan 2nd picture is a prime example of what you're speaking of. We are on rented time. Keep up the good fight !!

I've been going pretty good since the 1st. I haven't had a Pepsi since New Years Eve, I've managed only to cuss like 5 times, I have ran 6 miles and put 32 miles on the elliptical machine. I've dropped from 178 to 172 so far. I've read at least a chapter from the bible everyday. Unfortunately I have to have a couple of surgeries tomorrow so I will be on light duty for at least the next two weeks. I hate getting some momentum and make progress only to stop. I guess I need to go back and fill in some blanks when I get a chance.
I've been doing it but forgot to score myself the first week. One of my sons brought home some mutant bug after going back to school and it knocked me down a few days, but I'm back in the saddle now.

The water, fruits & veggies is easy points but the 7 hours of sleep is almost never happening with a 4:40am wake up call to work out. Today might be the only day I get points for not cussing. I better not stub my toe before bed. :eek:

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