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Montana House Votes in Favor of Funding Wyoming Lawsuit


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
"Land of Giant Rams"
Passed by a pretty good margine. Here's a wolf hugger who's up in arms over it.

Montana, Don’t Be Another Wyoming

By Bill Schneider, 3-29-07

I hate being wrong, having to recant earlier statements believed to be fact, but it looks like I might have to do just that. Frequently, when writing about wolves and the delisting process, I’ve praised Montana while criticizing Idaho and Wyoming. To date, Montana has taken a reasonable, professional stance on the controversial species. Instead of continuing to whine about greenie-weenie outsiders and the evil federal government and hoping wolves would just go away, Montana has concentrated on professional management.

Meanwhile, the Idaho Governor is up on the capital steps whipping wolf haters into a frenzy, and Wyoming has refused to do anything on wolves except want them restricted to the national parks and killed as vermin everywhere else in the state. Both Idaho and Wyoming plan massive immediate reductions in wolf numbers upon delisting, but not Montana. Instead, Montana plans to continue to responsibly manage wolves--and kill them when necessary--with little controversy.

The Montana Legislature now stands ready to veer off this high road and lower itself to the level of Idaho and Wyoming.

Earlier this week, the Montana House of Representatives, on a 58-41 vote, passed an appropriation to send at least $150,000 in the hard-earned tax money to a Cheyenne law firm (Budd-Falen) to sue the federal government--at the same time cutting money for programs like all-day kindergarten, assistance for the mentally ill and foster care for Meth babies.

The apparent purpose of the needless lawsuit, yet to be filed, is to force the feds to delist the wolf from the protection of the Endangered Species Act and give management back to the states.

All I can say is: Earth to the Legislature, you have your man in charge, staunch anti-wolfer Dirk Kempthorne, now Secretary of the Interior, and he is already delisting the wolf as rapidly as possible. A hundred lawsuits couldn’t make it happen any faster than it’s happening right now, but could slow down the process.

Currently, the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), the federal agency in charge of wolf recovery, is in the mandatory public involvement period, which will also be a waste of time and money because we already know what will happen. Over 90 percent of the comments will oppose delisting at this time, but the FWS will do it anyway. (I really don’t see the FWS wolf team calling back to D.C. and saying, “Dirk, I’m sorry we can’t do this wolf delisting thing because most people don’t want it.” Not unless they’ve already decided to retire at the end of the week, of course.)

The lawsuit is to be filed on behalf of a group called Friends of the Northern Yellowstone Elk Herd, a radical anti-wolf organization. I found the group’s recent comments on wolf delisting, and it shocked me that our elected officials would line up with these folks, let alone fund their frivolous litigation.

The “Friends” wants green groups like Defenders of Wildlife and the Turner Endangered species Fund to be “financially responsible for the decimation of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming game herds.” And the group doesn’t want state wildlife agencies to manage wolves, instead petitioning to have livestock departments take control and ask for federal money to nothing but kill wolves.

Here’s my favorite part: “Friends petitions the court to recognize that wolves are being used as a bio-weapon targeting the civil rights, economy, customs, culture, and heritage of the citizens of Montana, Idaho and Wyoming.”

You get the picture, right? And now, the Montana legislature plans to pay for their pointless lawsuit?

I only hope the Montana Senate can see this as a terrible precedent and an embarrassing step backwards and spike this appropriation.
Wow, if there was ever a thread that stood ready to see the shit hit the fan, this is it. Somebody pass the popcorn, and PM this link to Buzz, Ithaca & Middelton.

Quick, somebody call Las Vegas, whats the 48 hour over/under on this thread ? I say, over 50 posts in 48 hours.


Should I move it to the Elk or Big Game section where there's more traffic? Could be fun!!!!!

So Buzz, why would this not pass the Senate? Give us some facts please.
What's the break down on the Montana Senate Buzz? What's the Break down on the House? 58 to 41 in the House.....that's a pretty good BI-PARTISAN margine. Something good (for delisting) is in the works here. The wolf hugger Schneider is either sneaky smart or dumber than dirt. My monies on the later.

Double or nothing on the beer bet Buzz.
Nemont, that gave me a laugh.
Can anyone Photoshop me a picture of a wolf driving a red Cadillac through a Burger King drive through?
Doesn't look like Buzz want's to make that bet....don't blame him.

Here's some comments from Ithaca's wolf hugger pal Ralph Maughan.....

"Schneider fears that Montana may go the way of Idaho and Wyoming on wolves because this money would hire a well known far right Wyoming law firm to get Montana involved in Wyoming’s delisting lawsuit.

Folks needs some explanation, however. The Republican Party gained control of the Montana House in the last election by one vote (actually on the vote of an extremist 3rd party candidate who doesn’t even believe there should be public education). The Republicans rewarded him by making him chairman of the House’s education committee! Democrats control the state senate by a narrow margin and the governor is a Democrat.

The Republican majority in the House is mostly bunch of far right wing ideologues and their extremist notions will most likely killed by the Senate and/or the governor. However, it is possible that this appropriation to enter the Wyoming lawsuit could slip through as part of a larger deal to settle the budget crisis the Republicans have created in Montana."

Why does Ralph think this is a party line issue? Plenty of Democrats in the house must have voted for it. And why would Schweitzer veto it? Wyoming Governor Dave Freudenthal is a Democrat. Schweitzer is already on the record stating that he admires how Freudenthal is dealing with the Feds. Maybe Schweitzer has figured out this is the best and easiest way to get the wolves delisted?
Maybe Schweitzer is smart enough to know that the 150K Montana is proposing to send to Wyomings lawsuit would be akin to wiping ones ass with 150K.

I suspect that MT's taxpayers are already demanding their money be spent wisely instead of wasted on a lawsuit that Wyoming will surely lose.
Other than the Montana wolf huggers, most Montanan's would see this as money well spent Buzz, when it leads to a quicker and cleaner delisting. You don't get it do you. The wolf huggers have been out flanked. FWS doesn't plan on winning the suit...just the opposite. And unlike the wolf huggers, they don't plan on appealing it either.

Can you say delisted wolf?
First comes delisting, then tags... WooHoo... I can't hardly wait...

I think I'll start sharpening a few broadheads now... :)

Ramitupyrass, you think somehow all your posts have come to bear fruit on the wolf issue. Hardly, our politictions are just playing politics, nothing more.
They have nothing to gain, and $150,000 to loose. We really don't want this thing to go to court. It would be better for the WS to just delist them and hand the management over to the states as they did in the midwest region.

The way the delisting plan was written for the delisting to occur all states in the recovery area had to come up with a plan that would be approved by the WS and reconize the wolf as a species worthy of existance, also a management plan that would keep the numbers at or above the recovery objective. Wyoming hasn't written such a management plan, so the process hasen't be completed and thats why such a lawsuit is dumb.

Pro- wolf hunters will lose untill wyoming gets such a plan.

Didn't you swear that the wolf would never be delisted and we'd never get a chance to hunt them. Isn't that what your trying to bet Buzz over.

It may take 5 years or more but I'll take that bet on Buzz's behalf. With or without a dumb lawsuit.The stupidity of our elected officials never cease to amaze me.
Yup, BHR told us wolves will never be delisted. He also told us that since the wolves were increasing by about 25-30% a year a few years ago, we'd someday have millions of them. Remember that idiotic claim by the anti-wolf nuts?:D

Everyone would be better off to put BHR on "Ignore". Reading his assinine posts is a waste of time.
Never said either of those things Ith, and thanks for reading my "assinine posts". Next time you talk to Ralphy, tell him check-mate for me.

S. S.,

Wyoming has written a good wolf management plan that guarentees a minimum of 15 packs (just like Montana and Idaho's approved plans do) and it will be approved in court. The wolf huggers will be aced out in their ability to sue, and delisting WILL TAKE PLACE. Watch and learn grasshopper.