Missouri Breaks Ram 09/2010


Active member
Nov 14, 2010
Montana City, MT
I'm the huntress (who didn't get to go!!) and uploading these for the hunter while he's at work! I'll have to let him elaborate! I know at the taxidermists', it scored 185, and he was about 7 years old.


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Is this the ram I heard stories of yesterday :). Thanks for posting them up. Congrats to your hunter. That is a great ram.
Great ram thanks for posting the picts. That ram on the pack makes me think you've been hanging out with Randy11;) minus the duct tape. Congrats again
Let's get the details....I'm dyin' here! Great job. I've been putting in for the Breaks, so I'm definitely looking forward to the story.
Alright people since i finally have had a day off to actually tell you about the hunt i better take the chance to do so, since i have kept you all waiting well. I guess i will tell you about the first week we were there i was able to take off half the week to go hunting unfortunately it rained pretty much all week long, and even snowed on us alittle. If any of you know how bad the mud gets in the breaks you will understand that we pretty much had to pack up and leave. The mud got so bad that it gummed up the wheel wells on the quads and you couldnt even go a 100 yards before you lost stearing all together. Anyway that week we were only able to see one ram about 165 im guessing. The second chance we got to head over there was just a weekend hunt and my uncle, dad, and a friend of ours came with we tried to go up the river but were only able to go 2 miles up it before it got to shallow for the prop, so we decided to head over to and area where my dad and i have been seeing alot of rams. At the end of the road it comes to a very pretty view at a draw as i was sitting there 3 coyotes jumped out so i shot and missed one of them. About 5 minutes later i was looking around aand saw these sheep they were alittle out of range to tell if they were rams or ewes but we made a stalk on them. When we got to about 500 yards we finally realized that it was 7 rams and two of which where shooters. We decided to make another stalk on them to try and get a closer shot and when we got to within about 200 yards and i had decided to shoot i put a bullet in the chamber as i did they took off, so being a young guy i decided to take off after them they probably went about a mile when they finally stopped. They were all huddled up in a tight group and in some trees my uncle and i decided to scale this hill and come over the top to try and get a better shot while my dad stayed there and kept an eye on them. When we finally got to the top of the hill we had a perfect spot and thats when the waiting begain i had no shot because they were still in a tight bunch and in the trees. What felt like and hour was only about 10 minutes something spooked them and they RAN!!!!! straight for us about 20 yards i couldnt believe it my ram turned broad side to me and my uncle asked if i was goin to shoot i said yes but trying to shoot off your knee wasnt doing it for me this time. I couldnt stop shaking so i crawled to my right about 5 yards to try to get a shot of this down fall tree, but when i got there there where branches in the way so i had to crawl back to where i was and down about 2 yards to this little shage brush shrub to take a shot. once i was on the shrub i was still shaking like crazy and i think my uncle asked me about 3 more times if i was goin to shoot, he said he could have killed it about 10 times before i shot. Its a differfent story when your the one shooting a once in a lifetime ram. Finally i was able to calm my self and i took my shot after i shot i knew it was a good one. The ram reared up like he was goin to head butt another then the group took off they went over a hill and we lost track of him. We watched for a while and saw the group again and could only see 6 so we were confident that mine was down it ended up only goin about 20 yards. I couldnt believe it when i finally got to hold those massive horns it was a hunt of a life time that i will never forget and i hope i will some day be able to experience again. I am greatfully to everyone who helped out on my hunt and to my girlfriend that watched so many hunting shows with me she was pretty good at judging rams by the end of it. My ram scores around 185 which will make the books and i know hes not even close to the biggest ones that come out of there every year, but i liked the way he was shaped and i am completely happy with just having the chance to be on a hunt like that with my dad and uncle i hope some day they to can be as lucky as me.

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