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Minimum wage

Calif. Hunter

Active member
Dec 13, 2000
Apple Valley, CA, USA
A good article -

By Assemblyman Ray Haynes
June 21, 2004

Going for Broke on Minimum Wage

The economic recovery in America has begun, if you believe the Labor reports
and most of the economists. It has also started in California, if you look
at the increased revenues coming into the state and some other indicators.
It hasn't recovered so strongly, though, that it can withstand continued
efforts by the Democrats in this state to shove the economy back into the

Last October, the recall election shook up the capitol considerably. Many
people who didn't seem to care much about the burdens they had placed on
business and the job killing economic climate they had created, suddenly
became pro-business-at least in their rhetoric. Suddenly everybody was in
favor of things like workers compensation reform, and to their credit, we
even managed to make significant progress in that area (though more could be
done). Many of us suspected that this newfound appreciation of employers
was only for show while the heat was still on, and sure enough, the
legislative majority has continued to pursue burdensome regulations,
mandates, and fees on business that could easily disrupt our fragile
economic recovery.

Perhaps the worst of the bunch is the new minimum wage increase that is
being considered in Sacramento. In the wake of high energy costs, high
building costs, high liability insurance costs, and workers' compensation
reform that isn't going to reduce costs nearly as much as we need to, we
cannot afford to drive up even higher the costs of doing business in
California. Even if you do not pay the minimum wage to more than a handful
of employees, the inflationary impact it has on the entire salary scale can
be significant.

The Democrats on the floor insisted that raising the minimum wage from $6.75
an hour (already higher than the national wage) to $7.75 an hour (the
highest in the country) was too small to hurt businesses, and oddly, even
too small to help minimum wage-earners! Barely enough for a sandwich, I
recall them saying on the floor. If the intent of their bill is to help
families with five children where the primary wage earner has chosen "pickle
stacker" at McDonalds as their career, then clearly $7.75 an hour isn't
enough. After all, as the Democrats themselves said on the floor, that is
still below the federal poverty line!

So with tongue firmly in cheek, I rose to make the following statement on
the floor:

Thank you Mr. Speaker, I rise in opposition to this bill, because it doesn't
go far enough.

We ought to have a minimum wage that's at least $20 an hour, and you all
know it. I can't believe that you would stand up here on this floor and
agree to a minimum wage that is only $6 or $7 or $8 an hour, when it ought
to be $20 an hour. How can you live below the poverty level? Twenty
dollars an hour is $40,000 a year, and everybody knows that that's a good
middle class income, and that's what we ought to be paying people.
Regardless of what their skill level is, regardless of what their education
is, regardless of whether they can do the job or not, they ought to receive
a salary of $40,000 per year.

And we in government can make sure that happens by FORCING businesses to do

We in government can ORDER people to pay $20 per hour. And you know what?
They'll either do it, or they'll go out of business. They'll either do it,
or they'll move out of this state. They'll either do it, or they will not
continue to service the people of California. Because after all, we know
that they're all just evil profiteers, and they just want to steal people's
money from them, all they want to do is abuse their employees, all they want
to do is cheat the people of the state of California---and we can FORCE them
to not do that! So how can we on this floor in good conscience vote for
this bill? It doesn't go far enough. Until you've got the courage of your
convictions to stand up, and instead of doing this in little tiny baby
bites, until you have the courage of your convictions to ORDER people to pay
a living wage of $20 an hour, until you're ready to do the right thing, we
shouldn't pass this bill-I ask for a "no" vote.

The Democrats were at all not happy with me. They accused me of "mocking"
them. They went on to pass AB 2832 on a 46-30 straight party line vote.
This moves it one step closer to adding yet another cost to employers in
California for a program that has never shown any legitimate long-term
benefit to "the poor", and that has far more often been shown to be a
detriment not only to employers, but to the very "poor" the program is
supposed to help. After all, you can only make the minimum wage if you have
an employer who is providing a job.
I don't think there should be a minimum wage at all, in any state. If somebody is willing to work for $1/hour, how does the government have the authority to tell them they can't? :confused:
I agree with WH on this one.... As of now, I know that there are plently of mexicans that work for much lower wages under the table and that usually takes away from the hard working americans that actually pay taxes and are citizens....
I got a better Ideal. Lets make everyone pay to work.
Speaking of raises, my brother with US F&W is pretty unhappy - no raises for him this year, apparently.

So he is pretty disillusioned with Bush - and can up with lots of reasons to be unhappy with him and only 1 (the 2nd Amendment issues) to support him. (just thought I'd throw that in for the Bush haters. :D :D )
Cali, no raise for the USFWS?

The USFS got a nice one...just received the SF-50 notice as well.
I didn't pay real close attention to his letter - he's always been a whiner. ;) :D He also had a laundry list of gripes - something about a decison that they are too shorthanded to handle the reports on some watershed issues affecting steelhead, salmon and trout in Washington State, but their staff levels are frozen, that they have no funds for their projects, etc.

Maybe wildlife is not a profit item like timber? (So Forestry gets a raise while F&W doesn't???)
I think I get paid enough for what I do, sitting under trees, watching things burn don't take much energy... ;) I will just stay with my $4.53 an hour and be happy...
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