Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Made in China


New member
Oct 3, 2010
Fair Oaks Ranch, Texas
I'm disappointed in RMEF & NAHC for what they sent, not for what they do. I recently renewed my memberships and was sent knives that were made in China. It makes me mad to think that for a couple of dollars more, they could have had the knives made here in the USA. If its a dollar issue, then either charge a little more the membership to offset the cost or just save the money it cost for that knive and put it to good use. I think that if they were to ask members what they thought of paying more for their memberships for a product made in the USA most would go for it, or maybe give the option of paying for a knive or whatever they give out. I think if the knives were made here in the USA we might save a couple of jobs or even create a few. I know, I should not complain about a free gift, but it the principle that matters. I am sorry if I offended anyone here for posting this, but I am a Pro-USA first & every other Country thereafter. Thank you for your time & God Bless.
I dont really care as much as where it is made. I know when I can made in the USA is what I look for but when I am budget constrained there are many perfectly good products made in china that I can afford vs US made products. Try buying a US made goose decoy and be prepared to pay greatly our be satisfied with an inferior US product. Most of the Chinese made stuff is still creating US jobs, just at a higher level. You could argue that at some degree the US has made it too easy to get Govt handouts then to work lower paying hobs that could compete with Chinese labor. Although the initial cost of labor is cheaper in China the cost of getting product to the US is far greater then products made here. I would love to see the US taking away the handouts and putting those people back to work but it is not going to happen under current leadership. What is great is that we do have choices as to what products we buy and from where. Without the competitiveness of a global economy we get less choices and some of us would have to just do without. That competitiveness has also driven down the price of US made products so it is a good thing for all.

Again, I am all for made in the USA but there is definitely a place and need for a global economy.

Lastly, I cant wait for things to get settle in Cuba so we can legally enjoy some of the best cigars in the world. Made in the USA is not a selling point when it comes to some products!
So where are Orvis goods made?
And, good old UK company Hardy.
By the way nothing is free in this life, the 'free' gift is already built into the membership fee.
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I spent 7 years as merchandise chairman for our local chapter. Over 75% of the stuff RMEF sent for our banquet was made in China. The quality has gone down hill at an alarming rate.

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