Looking for advice.....


Oct 25, 2016
San Diego County
If you had to choose between a Ruger 44 Alaskan Super Redhawk vs Ruger Redhawk stainless 7.5"......which would you pick for HD and woods walk back up....keep the discussion between these 2......cost for me used would be $855 and $730 respectively....both 95% condition...used.
Your last addition (the Blackhawk) is what I’ve got and really like it, have taken hogs and a bear. Scoped it a few years back to give it a try on lopes but never got a shot I was comfortable with (kept getting busted) and ended up filling my tag with the Swede.

...haven't shot the other two....
If they're already used, would you have the option of shooting a few rounds through each? In my experience, Ruger accuracy can vary pretty drastically from gun to gun.
I'd go with the redhawk. Personally I'd opt for the 5.5' barrel but that's just me. I have an super redhawk and I've owned a couple blackhawks. Given the options you list, Redhawk would be my choice.
I like the longer barrel for a hunting gun. Longer sight radius, less muzzle rise, etc. I prefer the Redhawk and stainless
I had a 7.5” SBH that I just couldn’t like. Traded it for a 5.5” Redhawk. Much better! After carrying it, I wish I had gone with the 4”. I’m tall with long arms and I have an issue with the front sight tripping over the holster when drawn. I feel like I have my hand nearly to my armpit when it finally clears the holster. Won’t ever buy a longer barrel than 5.5” if I intend to carry in on a belt.
For HD and woods carry, none of the above. Sorry.
Take your $800 and go buy a Glock 29 in 10mm and be done with it. Much better HD round than the 44 mag or Special. Must more compact than a 5.5” barrel wheel gun.
Just my opinion.
Elkhnter....thank you for your note.....thank you to everyone!...but your note touched a deeper thought connected with my choice.....I was buying the gun to please the already purchased ammo rather than finding the right gun......made me stop to think long term.....thank you.

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