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Lefties are Losing It

That’s a bad poster, and someone needs to apologize for it. It is interesting though that the people most bent out of shape about it were silent when GG assaulted a reporter, or when the State Convention depicted Obama’s outhouse with bulletholes in it, or the Obama sign that showed him with a rope around his neck.
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Don't you just love Political events? It's a poster and an expression of freedom of speech. Let me know how this is anything?
I agree with you. Since when do we have to apologize for everything? There’s a problem when you have to apologize for expressing yourself
Everyone's a "snowflake" when it's their team...

Hey, least it went with cheers by the D's... But wait... They were already voting for him.
I voted for him the last two times. Not this time.

That was repulsive as is any depiction of a President.

Justin, I disagree. I am absolutely disgusted with Tester's, Pearl Jam benefit. I was also stating my thoughts Jersey G should have been handcuffed and hauled away for assault.

It's interesting how people share comments about how discussing one brings up others in comparison yet, excuses are made when it is done by the one who formerly complained.

I don't recall you saying and doing such, Justin though your comment of comparison reminds me of the excuses made by another who has commented as mentioned.

This was disgusting. Same as the noosed Obama, etc, etc, etc...

Tester needs to publicly comment his opposition towards such disrespect. Democrats, cheer away, though remember you need more votes than just yourselves so talk about how it's justified, blah blah blah... It is shooting your party's own foot doing such.


/Rant off.
Charles, I don’t believe Tester even knew this poster existed. Hell, I had a handful of friends attend the concert and they never even saw the poster. Read the first sentence on my comment.
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Political satire is what it is - this wasn't officially endorsed by the Tester campaign, how should we expect him to stop a cartoonist when he likely wasn't aware of the poster at all? There were PLENTY of anti-Obama and Hillary posters that no one seemed offended by, because we understand them to be commentary. The right wing is so darn sensitive anymore!
Charles, I don’t believe Tester even knew this poster existed. Hell, I had a handful of friends attend the concert and they never even saw the poster. Read the first sentence on my comment.
So Charles is going to vote for Rosendale because of a rock group's cartoon poster?
I have no problem with the poster existing, but it should not have been associated with a political fundraiser. A poster of the president's carcass on the White House lawn, regardless of who is the president, being associated with a political event, is not ok.

Tester needs to distance himself from it and repudiate the poster. The whataboutisms from the left are nothing but fuel for a doomed race to the bottom.
From yesterday afternoon.

1:35 p.m.

U.S. Sen. Jon Tester’s campaign is disavowing a Pearl Jam concert poster that shows a burning White House and what appears to be the skeleton of President Donald Trump.

The Montana Democrat’s campaign spokesman, Chris Meagher, said Wednesday that campaign officials never saw the poster before the show, they don’t like it and that they don’t condone violence of any kind.

The poster is from Monday’s concert in Missoula, Montana. The rock band put it on to encourage youth voting and to support Tester’s re-election bid against Republican opponent Matt Rosendale.

The campaign’s response comes after Republicans compared the poster to the now-infamous photo of comedian Kathy Griffin holding a fake decapitated Trump head.

Rosendale and GOP groups had called on Tester to denounce the poster.
Edited. Good to see Tester disavow such a disgusting Official promotion poster that included Tester on a tractor. Not a simple cartoon poster as Rob has convinced himself.

Rob, he lost my vote when his recent voting record supported criminal santuary cities. The ignorance/arrogance of those in Bozeman itching to turn Bozeman into a criminal sanctuary City and to have our elected official in that corner is simply asking for the criminal cartel element to set up shop along the Hi-Line corridor with direct routing in/out of Canada in Bozeman.

Naive people think this is about little Jose illegally in our country. It's not! It's about the Surenos, Mexican Mafia, Mara Salvastrucha (MS-13) taking a stronghold along the Hi-Line corridor. Bozeman wants to be a Criminal Sanctuary City, this will become their stronghold knowing if arrested locally, they will not be reported to Federal authorities.
You know what that means for your children in Bozeman? Meh, it's simply talking to a brick wall. However, this and public lands are top on my list. This takes priority over public lands.
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The "official" poster with Abraham Lincoln smiling and Jon Tester in the poster... Is not a simple, rock group cartoon poster. This is the official poster for the benefit of Tester.

He has your vote, Rob. No doubt you are as partisan as partisan gets. Defend it as so many Democrat partisan voters are and you, on your own will shoot yourselves in the foot.

Cheers, Rob.
Well Sytes, as usual you don't understand who I am, much less my point. I'm not condoning the poster, just saying it is infantile to base a voting decision on it as Tester wasn't involved in creating it. And it pales in comparison with what is being done by major elements of Rosendale's party. But if you are feeling sad about the whole thing maybe another cartoon will cheer you up.

bf3 (1).jpg
Edited. Good to see Tester disavow such a disgusting Official promotion poster that included Tester on a tractor. Not a simple cartoon poster as Rob has convinced himself.

Rob, he lost my vote when his recent voting record supported criminal santuary cities. The ignorance/arrogance of those in Bozeman itching to turn Bozeman into a criminal sanctuary City and to have our elected official in that corner is simply asking for the criminal cartel element to set up shop along the Hi-Line corridor with direct routing in/out of Canada in Bozeman.

Naive people think this is about little Jose illegally in our country. It's not! It's about the Surenos, Mexican Mafia, Mara Salvastrucha (MS-13) taking a stronghold along the Hi-Line corridor. Bozeman wants to be a Criminal Sanctuary City, this will become their stronghold knowing if arrested locally, they will not be reported to Federal authorities.
You know what that means for your children in Bozeman? Meh, it's simply talking to a brick wall. However, this and public lands are top on my list. This takes priority over public lands.

This is top grade bizarro..
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