


New member
Aug 8, 2003
Thought you guys might like to see my 1st deer with pistol. Special season in Kansas because deer as so thick in certain areas. 10 minutes into season and took this little buck at 125 yds with Contender 7-30 waters. He ran 75 yds before dropping. Bullet went through both lungs. We can take upto 1 buck and 5 does this year in my area. Enjoy Ed
Way to go on the buck. What kind of range do you feel comfortable shooting? I am better off throwing a pistol at my target.
I feel comfortable shooting out to around 150 yards using cartridges for deer (7-30 waters, 300 whisper). I was shooting a 130 grain Sierra SSP bullet ahead of 32gr H4895 in the 7-30 waters. I just got a 7-30 waters JDJ barrel, but haven't had time to work up loads yet. I also shoot a 22-250 encore with a JP muzzle brake and 3-12 burris on prairie dog out to 300 yds. Ed
Thats cool, i never did one with a pistola.
Like MTmiller,I suck with a handgun and actually shoot a bow better
Chit mate thats great, thats a helluva long way out, what sorta energy is the bullet carrying at that distance?? oh and love the truck is it for sale.
Sorry I haven't replied on this topic. Old trucks in background are a hobby that my oldest son and I do. We buy them up and part them out for sale to guys rebuilding them. We have built 3 hot rods and a stock truck ourselves. Probably have parted out over 100 of the 47-54 chevrolets. We now have about 15 of the 37-46 chev trucks that we are parting out. My youngest son is the avid hunter and got me back into shooting again after not having done it for 25 years.
Went prairie dog hunting in May and plan to go after a Hog with a pistol soon. Probably will use the 15 inch 308 Encore for that. I was shooting a 130 grain Sierra SSP bullet on the little buck and it went all the way through him with a clean exit hole size of your thumb. Special season is over here in Kansas and we will have to wait for regular firearms season starting in Dec. Ed