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Just Friggin Great


New member
Oct 16, 2001
Mesa, Arizona
Got the Elk boys harrasing us calling us Fisherwoosies, now we are argueing about a date, no wonder they think we are woosies.

Just set the dam date I don't care because it's a mute point, Eastside is gonna kick some redneck lesbian ass PERIOD. I know one thing for sure, the Westsiders will be lethargic, their fishing skills will be clouded over by the fact they think they are gonna win HAH!!!
Couple of weeks ago I had heard that, and what about the rock outcroppings that are not marked?? I am thinking saftey here if we are going to fish at night.
Keep it under 60MPH and you won't have a problem. Plus we are talking about fishing during a full moon cycle. The lake will be lite up like a Christmas tree.

I agree with Amberjack, I know that I need no rocks to my hull. Unless we get rain
:confused: and lots of it, pick a new lake doesn't matter just think about safety! Westsiders need that type of help or all we'll be doing is picking them out of the water
Will they count as fish? :D :D Chris
I think Pleasant might be a better option, New wrinkle in the mess here--> pair up a Westsider, someone who is familiar with the lake with an Eastsider.
Keep in mind that Pleasant is dropping and by August 23rd it will be down 30-50 feet from where it is now.

As someone that fishes Pleasant 2-3 times a week I would welcome having the contest there.

Negative -RED LEADER-, don't need any more s--- in my boat, hardly floats now with my big a-- in it. Of course this would make it a FAIR contest. Need to be a rule...
Doesn't matter to me, but I kinda of like the idea of having a potluck with kids etc.

I am open and will go with the flow. Just not real keen on Bartlett at night. Saguaro I wouldn't mind as I know the lake, but If we decide on Pleasant I think pairing up Eastside with a Westside guy would be kind of fun.
okay guys, lets pick one area to post on this subject.
That way we can spend less time looking for all the info on it and more time getting it set up.
Any lake is good for me. I do lousy on them all equally, unless I fish from the back.
Just dont pair me and FB up. I think we have a curse between us, neither of us have done well when fishing together. Much fun, but no fish:(
Any ideas on a lake trip b4 august and after the round table meeting?
You FFIISSHHEERRWWOOSSIIEESS!!!!Finally picked a date!! but not really

then you finally picked a site!! not really...

And the old hag tea party is still in full swing, with nothing still after a week even nailed down....

HAHAHAHA!!!!I hope you guy's keep this wishy washy sillyness up...It is way to fun and if nothing else, your angziety of having a couple "elk hunters" razzing you to death is fun and entertainment enough!!!! Let's quit smokin the pole as another well named hunter in the north of these threads say's and either fish or get off the pot......

I dont particularly care for Bartlett eaither. I think it should be at one of the following due to the fact that there will be water there in August.

1. Canyon
2. Sajuago(sp)
3. Pleasant

Reasons. Safest for night fishing, and there will be water in all of them to safely run at night, even tho Pleasant will be down considerably by then. Opinions???
Okay, here's the deal. I will be down the weekend of Augsut 23-27 (my secretary told me so). On the evening of August 24 (Friday Night) I will be on the water (or near the water if I do not have someone taking me in a boat). It will be Saguaro unless AJ says no. Now, if I am the only one fishing, the East side will win and AJ and got fish? will MOON the Westsiders. So, let's rally 'round the flag boys.

AJ (nee BC), I think pairing up W/E would be fun. Keeping to the star-bellied Sneetches would be fun. Shooting PWCs would be fun. Kids, I just want to fish with you guys (and any gals who are so inclined--pc, pc) so there. I have made my last stand on this subject . . . unless I change my mind. :D