pa ridge-runner
New member

After hunting 6 days three of us did not see one mulie buck.Plenty of does but not one buck.
The hot weather has kept most of the deer in the shade and out of sight.
I was thinking it was ME but after talking to the locals and the nearby meat processors the fact is just that the weather was too hot.Thier business was only one eighth of normal.The very day I arrived(10-16) it was 83.Til the day I left it was 82.(10-23)
Last year I was out the end of sept and went with an outfitter that said it was the hottest he had seen in 20 years.Great weather to swim in but not good for deer movement.I feel snake bit!
The deer came out of the woodwork just before dark and were back in hiding by first light.Where did we hunt??
We hunted s.w. of Gillette in the deep draws near the Powder river for 3 days,then shifted to the Big Horn mtns near Buffalo for 3 days.I enjoyed
the trip and the hunt very much,love that country,but no success hurts too.Still have an empty spot on the wall for that mule deer

Was wondering how the rest of you did?
Steiny;How was your hunt north of Gillette??
We did go to Weston for one day but the heat was just too much to stay out in.Better luck next year,I hope.