Caribou Gear

I've been banned

You mean when you said this?:

"I also learned that I should carry some spare shorts in my truck. Shit my pants on the way out to get that bear.. had to discard the ones I was wearing and go commando style while packing bear out. Sharts... shoulda known better."

Sharts... gotta love em if they aint yours.
I cured this problem on hunting trips. One Immoduim AD every day if I need it or not. I take it with my vitamins. Some guys laugh about it, others take notes and say it is a great idea. The other perk, less TP needed to be packed in on a backpack hunt.
Funny shit guys... :D

Really good how one side always has the need to band together over the years, lambasting any one from the other side for voicing opposing opinions or positions, a little "pampass" if you ask me :eek: :p

A few of us generally stand pretty well by ourselves for the most part, unlike a few fools around here who can't get by one day (maybe two with any luck) with out PM'ing or calling each other for advise on how to win a debate... ;)

Tha mist spelings R genrally stuk din on purpouse, gest 2 gif a few on heer some thin 2 complane aboot wen ther argumnts go awriee (you're welcome by the way :p)... :rolleyes:

Wen tha oner ov this bored starts halfing ishues with misd speld worts, then ther kan B reson 4 paws, other wise its gest nother useles wine from thos loosing on a subji... subju... subgek... uhh... topik... but stil half a nead 2 kary on 2 the biter sily endt... ;)
You seem to enjoy posting to topics solely to criticize other posters or to defend a hole-digging elk molester's brilliant elucidations on the finer points of natural resource management, even though the guy can't spell "college" when he's attempting to diminish the value of an education.

wow, talk about diminishing the value of an education. :rolleyes:
got himself all flustered up and contradictive.....what happened, someone paint their shutters the wrong shade of Yuppy Tan in the Culdesac today?
JB, actually things are going quite well in the cul-du-sac this week. CJ's Mexicans finished my landscaping and la propiedad mira muy bueno. But thanks for caring.

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