PEAX Equipment

Is this legit? Can a .50cal do this?

I’m calling BS but either way this guy is a tool. Shooting WT does out of a box blind with a .50 is exactly what our sport needs...
Shooting a poor unsuspecting ranch-fed doe from a pillbox with a large military tactical weapon donning his expensive camo "uniform" is an affront and insult to the legitimate American hunting legacy. The guy is probably a draft-dodging now at fifty plus year old wannabe soldier. The "HIGH ROAD" ... my arse! 'Makes me sick.

How do you justify that to someone questioning hunting and ownership of non-standard tactical wacko firearms? Sometimes the simple question is appropriate: Why?
The guy is next level tool, no doubt. I agree with all of you, but is the physics behind his claim legit?
A total tool.
It's hard to believe the damage a 50 will do @half a mile. I am still trying to remove the image from my mind.
Whats wrong with that ?
The deer never herd the report of the gun, Dead is dead.
Is it better to shoot an elk with a 3006 at 500 yards and have to track it with it's guts hanging out?
Or having to let a deer spend the night bleeding out after a crappy arrow shot?
Many of the hunters I have seen bait the deer to come in at a set time and shoot them from there bilnd.
Tell me how that any different. You think a guy gets a BMG and he can go shoot anything anytime .
Obviously he placed the bullet for a good clean kill.
If there are no game laws against it why not.
We have no caliber restrictions If I want I can shoot bear, moose with a 22 rim fire Better?
Do I want to do it no but I don't want to be told By a bunch of grumpy people that don't have a BMG or any other thing that I CAN'T or I'm wrong.
And by the way we all use camo It's NOT a uniform for killing.
Just my 2 cents
Geez....I wasn't trying to make this a post about debating ethics. I was just curious as to his claims that the bullet missed but it caused instant death.
Whats wrong with that ?
We each must establish our own ethical standards and perspective of the traditional hunting legacy. But if we have to answer your question ... then as Cool Hand Luke would say, "What we have here is a communication problem." (or the standard, "If thar ain't no law agin it ... it must be righteous.")
Yes. A 50 BMG can do that. When I started watching the video I was pissed off thinking he was going to shoot it through the shoulder. After watching...yes, the guy is a tool, but I've got no problem with a head shot using that cal. How many people have you seen using a .338 on antelope? anything over .243 on deer is overkill but we all do it. Once, again...guy in the video=jackass. jackass=bad for hunting. 50 BMG killing via vacuum= yep
Yes, a .50 BMG can do that. It’s one nasty round. You should see what it’ll do to a Duce and a half at 600 meters. Better yet, a Chicom tank out of the hatch of a Chinook! Impressive.
I'm calling bs, this round has been used for decades and humans are of similar size and make up. Certainly we would have seen or heard of this with casualties from battle.
Shooting a poor unsuspecting ranch-fed doe from a pillbox with a large military tactical weapon donning his expensive camo "uniform" is an affront and insult to the legitimate American hunting legacy. The guy is probably a draft-dodging now at fifty plus year old wannabe soldier. The "HIGH ROAD" ... my arse! 'Makes me sick.

How do you justify that to someone questioning hunting and ownership of non-standard tactical wacko firearms? Sometimes the simple question is appropriate: Why?

You mean someone like this?

B.S ethics aside... the "near miss sucked that suckers eyes right out of its head" is more B.S. Here's a video with some reality about this very situation.[video=youtube;YrHpe5Z93wM][/video]
We each must establish our own ethical standards and perspective of the traditional hunting legacy. But if we have to answer your question ... then as Cool Hand Luke would say, "What we have here is a communication problem." (or the standard, "If thar ain't no law agin it ... it must be righteous.")

Get your movie quotes right!!! :) "What we have here is....failure to communicate."

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