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Is it blown up?

If people were willing to accept the truth, education would be easier. However, finding the truth nowadays can be a bit difficult.
Says the user who immediately rejected a healthcare professional's take on the matter.
I try to avoid people in general, because the more I'm around them the more I think the number of people who act like herd animals has grown larger than the number of sane people. But, dang it, the wife says I need to take a trip down to Sam's Club for milk and dog food, not even going to try for TP...wish me luck!
I too enjoy avoiding people. In and out when it comes time for shopping. Especially with the nutty people who think that they should buy up all the TP? Not really sure why that's a trend...
In a time where the country is bracing for a major event, inciting panic after a user offered their professional opinion is unnecessary.
I was actually fine with almost all of the original post except the inclusion of death numbers for the flu. My profession is statistics/economics and the comparison was not relevant. The rest of this is a thought experiment- like, how do you proceed in the situation of a deadly pathogen when you have limited data?, and once a vaccine is created do the anti-vax'ers fear vaccines more than the coronavirus? This will all play out in time, and I hope it ends up being "the same as the flu".
I was actually fine with almost all of the original post except the inclusion of death numbers for the flu. My profession is statistics/economics and the comparison was not relevant. The rest of this is a thought experiment- like, how do you proceed in the situation of a deadly pathogen when you have limited data?, and once a vaccine is created do the anti-vax'ers fear vaccines more than the coronavirus? This will all play out in time, and I hope it ends up being "the same as the flu".

Hell I thought you might be a food critic at Holiday Inn Express.
well heck--I am in DEEP do-do (-:

Has anybody read anything that suggests good red wine is an antidote or perhaps a preventive measure ?

I've got a buddy I used to think was half crazy but his quote on most things just like this seems to make more sense every day.

With a Natural Lite in his hand he always says,"this is why I drink, sobriety and clarity aren't much fun."
You and your family are healthy, so it is easy to say don't worry. You say the Data is CLEAR and then point out how much the experts don't know. We know this is NOT the common flu and death-count comparisons to it are silly. With the data we see now, if this infect a billion people like the flu, 2,000,000 die. Sure, most will be elderly, but some will be perfectly healthy. The only way to prevent the spread is drastic isolation steps. Call it hype, but it is necessary. Unfortunately we live in a world where we get news 24/7 at our fingertips.

We can agree that it is not going to end civilization and hoarding TP makes no sense, but I think downplaying this is the exact opposite of what we should be doing.

I'm a healthcare provider and I'm not worried if I get it. I'm not worried if my kids get it. My whole family is healthy. We are not high-risk for complications. Data is CLEAR. *True factual information for COVID-19*

For my kids and the young influenza is the killer. *True factual information. For young including pediatrics influenza is a much bigger concern. COVID-19 does not target pediatrics. Influenza does*

or the elderly or those with comorbid condition they should take the same precautions that they should be doing for the current influenza season. Unfortunately, that population has to deal with both the coronavirus and influenza. Both prey on the elderly. *True and factual information*

Just to clarify, I don't worry about it in certain populations. Maybe I wasn't clear my apologies. I also clearly stated the elderly and those with comorbid conditions need to take precautions because both influenza and COVID-19 prey on the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions [cardiac, pulmonary, diabetes, etc.]).

Please understand COVID-19 will be underreported because it's estimated 80% have minimal or no symptoms. With increased widespread testing that will change. Up until today, I could only order test for those with certain criteria. Testing kits are being more widely distributed and available. It's a fluid mosaic situation for sure.

My whole point, bringing influenza in the mix, protect yourself during flu season and or flu/coronavirus season. Regardless, they both have the potential to kill. I find it interesting, influenza kills year after year, but a lot of folks don't take precautions to protect themselves or prevent spread. That may be different moving forward. One can hope.

COVID-19 deaths (US to date): 25 (
Influenza death (2019-2020 season: 20,000-52,000 deaths (

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I'm a healthcare provider and I'm not worried if I get it. I'm not worried if my kids get it. My whole family is healthy. We are not high-risk for complications. Data is CLEAR. *True factual information for COVID-19*

For my kids and the young influenza is the killer. *True factual information. For young including pediatrics influenza is a much bigger concern. COVID-19 does not target pediatrics. Influenza does*

or the elderly or those with comorbid condition they should take the same precautions that they should be doing for the current influenza season. Unfortunately, that population has to deal with both the coronavirus and influenza. Both prey on the elderly. *True and factual information*

Just to clarify, I don't worry about it in certain populations. Maybe I wasn't clear my apologies. I also clearly stated the elderly and those with comorbid conditions need to take precautions because both influenza and COVID-19 prey on the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions [cardiac, pulmonary, diabetes, etc.]).

Please understand COVID-19 will be underreported because it's estimated 80% have minimal or no symptoms. With increased widespread testing that will change. Up until today, I could only order test for those with certain criteria. Testing kits are being more widely distributed and available. It's a fluid mosaic situation for sure.

My whole point, bringing influenza in the mix, protect yourself during flu season and or flu/coronavirus season. Regardless, they both have the potential to kill. I find it interesting, influenza kills year after year, but a lot of folks don't take precautions to protect themselves or prevent spread. That may be different moving forward. One can hope.

COVID-19 deaths (US to date): 25 (
Influenza death (2019-2020 season: 20,000-52,000 deaths (

Like I said, I didn't mean anything negative by my post and I had no problem with the original post except the death rate comparison to flu. The precautions for flu and Covid are probably the exact same (good advice), but this is basically a flu on steroids when you look at the numbers. Yes it is targeting one age/health group in particular, but no one wants to have to explain to their children that they killed Grandma and Grandpa in 2020. :oops:
What happens when the uninsured don't seek health care and spread the virus? Will that influence the debate over universal health care as a right and necessity? It should.
unless your old or sickly you don't need medical attention. The virus is milder than the common cold.
Like I said, I didn't mean anything negative by my post and I had no problem with the original post except the death rate comparison to flu. The precautions for flu and Covid are probably the exact same (good advice), but this is basically a flu on steroids when you look at the numbers. Yes it is targeting one age/health group in particular, but no one wants to have to explain to their children that they killed Grandma and Grandpa in 2020. :oops:
what are you reading to say this is the flu on steroids?? Everything I have read says otherwise. Heck Dr Oz just reported its milder than the common cold and 80% infected will not know they have it. Why are so many trying to make it sound worse than it might or appears to be? Ill telll you why politics.
Like I said, I didn't mean anything negative by my post and I had no problem with the original post except the death rate comparison to flu. The precautions for flu and Covid are probably the exact same (good advice), but this is basically a flu on steroids when you look at the numbers. Yes it is targeting one age/health group in particular, but no one wants to have to explain to their children that they killed Grandma and Grandpa in 2020. :oops:
No worries. I appreciate your response (both of them).
As with many things, it has both been blown out of proportion and been justified. Can it be deadly? Yes. Is all the hysteria necessary? No. Should we take some basis precautions? Yes. Should we politicize it? No. Should we be upset with China's food practices? Maybe........
what are you reading to say this is the flu on steroids?? Everything I have read says otherwise. Heck Dr Oz just reported its milder than the common cold and 80% infected will not know they have it. Why are so many trying to make it sound worse than it might or appears to be? Ill telll you why politics.
Sorry, transmission and death rate stats from WHO and CDC. It is much higher than common flu on both. That is why the containment measures have been so extreme. We basically don't do anything to contain the flu. Dr Oz is correct, but that almost makes it worse. Over simplified, basically, 80% of the people who get it will be fine and never know it, but spread it to others. 18% will get it, get sick, get treatment and recover. 2% will be dead. :oops: The odds seem good for the young and healthy, but there is a high chance this could overwhelm the healthcare system and cause secondary effects. Mule3006Elk can give an informed opinion on that but that is the situation in N. Italy right now.
I think all we can do is hold out hope that it will decline like the flu does every year in April-May.
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