I'm going to lose my rifle...

That was the first thing they did with me when I actually started working out. Probably haven't felt this good for 15 or so years and have to admit that my energy level is off the charts compared to what it was when I was still working and grazing on sugary crap all the time..

I bet if people all went to a fitness website and put in your height and body build and then it gave you your "ideal" body weight….most people would be surprised. I sure was.
I'm a chubby and I know it. The thought of giving up my Diet Coke or carbs just makes me cringe. I was doing a couch to 5k program but my knees started acting up. I actually like the elliptical. That was mainly what I used before my last trip to Colorado and I managed to do pretty well up there. This time I haven't done anything. Where I live and work, a gym membership really isn't feasible.

I really think if I just quit eating anything it drinking anything but water after about 6:00pm I could lose some weight. At 6'3"-260# I have a lot of mass to try to transport in the mountains. Especially after you add in a pack and a bow. Throw an elk quarter in there and I'm going to be cussing gravity!!!
That was the first thing they did with me when I actually started working out. Probably haven't felt this good for 15 or so years and have to admit that my energy level is off the charts compared to what it was when I was still working and grazing on sugary crap all the time..

Im with ya. And If i get a workout in before work I can't even sit in my chair….im usually bouncing off the walls all day. High quality food sure makes a difference. The elliptical is great because you can make it as easy or as hard as you want. Crank the resistance and the incline up and you get a pretty damn good burn in your legs.
Update #1

So I went to Costco last week and bought some healthy snacks (nuts, hummus chips, jerky, etc.) I've caved several times on sodas and had 1 beer. Sweets have been relatively easy to give up, but I do have a piece or 2 of dark chocolate here and there and I have "kind" bars that are OK. I've worked out 2 times and spent a day cleaning the garage in 95+ degrees. Not sedentary, but not enough either. The clock is ticking. Started this challenge at 207.

Alright... Guess it's time to throw my hat in this ring. I'm going to attempt to loose my rifle by the MT Rifle opener. Might not be as easy... my "light weight" hunting rifle is 10.5lbs with bipod, sling and 4 rounds. That would put me at 210 for hunting season. Should be attainable.

Let's do this!
Update #2

I've got just over 7 weeks to go. I'm not doing great on the diet side. This thread is probably what's keeping me honest. At least I'm moving in the right direction!

You got this Sabot! I'm not a big fan of Dieting, partly since it has the word DIE in it... Kinda how you feel with some diets. I hit 217 late last week, then with a weekend in the car added one back this weekend. 218 currently. 3 pounds down, 6 and a bit to go.

Little bits help every day.
First, make sure you're weighing yourself the same time of day for best apples to apples comparisons. I like to weigh-in just after my morning duties before breakfast (before I eat or drink anything). Even with some drastic changes to both my intake (diet) and my output (exercise) my weight loss has been an extremely slow process and I rarely can lose more than 4# of fat in a month's time.

Food is always the key to losing weight. You simply cannot exercise yourself out of a chitty diet and lord knows I've tried. I'm never going to be the "salad for lunch" guy, so my strategy has been to cut out the crappiest foods that I eat (fast food, soda, ice cream) and eat less of the other crappy foods I eat. I only eat one helping of things now instead of mindlessly refilling my plate as I used to. I also used to drink nearly a gallon of milk a day, I love the stuff. I have cut back to one cup (measuring cup, not a giant tumbler full) with breakfast and one with supper.

For hunger management, I have some staples to tide me over to the next meal. I'll do protien shakes sometimes with almond milk (I really, REALLY like Optimum Nutritions Gold Standard vanilla flavor). I'm not doing this to get ripped, but protein is really good at satisfying hunger. My other "snack" staple is chips and salsa. Salsa typically is really low in calories and can provide a filling snack at under 200 calories.

The last piece is lots of water. By staying really hydrated I think it helps me with my soda cravings.

Last year I lost 45 pounds before hunting season and hit a low of 183#. After hunting season I slipped back into many of my bad habits (fast food for lunch and endless soda) and gained back about 30 pounds. I've slowly chipped away this summer at the weight and am sitting at about 190# today, which is a good weight for me. As long as I continue to stay on track diet-wise I will probably continue to lose some more weight.

It isn't easy, but is sure worth it.
I did similar last year.

Was down to a low of 197 in July of last year. First time since my Senior year of Highschool that I was south of 200. Somewhere between 195-205 is where I'd like to be ideally. Picked up to about 225 this winter, been slowly chipping at it the past couple months. I also weigh myself first thing in the morning before breakfast. For me, If I can get more exercise without adding more food, I'll do fine. My issue is I sometimes feel like I deserve to Eat like an Idiot just because i worked out... I'm just trying to stick to smaller portions of healthier foods, and cut some of the crap out (I'm a sucker for salty snacks...).
Thanks for the encouragement. I know that what I'm realistically trying to do is drop 4 lbs of water and 5 lbs of fat in 7 weeks. Food intake is everything (or lack therof!). I am postic my weigh in pic each week on Monday after my light breakfast, 40 minute workout, and morning nature call in order to be apples to apples. Water intake is key for me as I don't drink enough. I'm also trying to get good sleep.
Slow but steady. I really didn't think I would make any progress this week. I had a few fast food binges. I am however spending 30min nearly every day on the recumbent bike which seems to be improving my energy and overall cardio without aggravating my knees too much.

All good info, I'm having knee replacement 1st of the year so I figure that will be my start at 61 216 pounds.
41 you should breezes through it.
Way to go Sabot! I only have 9 more days of snacking on celery and carrots instead of chips and crap, then it is game on. Hang in there!
202.4 today. So I'm officially down 5 with 4 to go in 3 weeks. Need to get hard core now.
Down to the wire!!

Looks like I made it! Final weigh in this morning. We leave at 5 PM today. I had spiked as high as 209 3 months ago and was at about 207.5 when I started this. The goal was 9 lbs (rifle weight).

Overall, I've eaten much more reasonable and not starved myself and I've biked or treadmill an average of 4 days a week for the last 6 weeks. I feel alot better. Knees are doing OK.

Deer and Elk tags in my pocket...Colorado HERE I COME!

Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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