Caribou Gear Tarp

Idaho Muley (X2)


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2004
Well I went solo on Monday morning 10/25 and had a great day. I saw well over a hundred deer with a total of 14 bucks. I'll skip over all the boring stuff and get right into the killing part. I had decide it was time to head back to the truck with about 1 hour left of light. I just crested the ridge and was heading down it when I glassed down and saw a decent buck chasing about 8 does. I put the scope on him and saw he was a slick 4 that I guessed was 26". It took me a minute to decide if I was going to shoot him or not. But luckily decided to. I worked down the ridge and setup to shot. He crested the little finger ridge he was on, so I had to wait for him to come back over. After 15 minutes I thought I better go after him. I headed back up and around to the other side of the ridge he was on. I saw 3 of his does but no buck. I went back up the mountain and with only 15 minutes of light left I figured I better press the deal. I headed straight down the ridge he was on and about 150 yards down I saw his does. Then I saw the buck crest the hill at mach 1. I ran down and setup for the shot. I ranged an opening 250yrds away and waited, he came flying through it and I hit him a little back. He went another 100 yards and stopped. That was his final resting place. As I was walking up to him I noticed that I under estimated this buck. He is 30.5" wide.

My 30" buck.

With only minutes of light remaining I decide to gut him out and come back in the morning. I rounded up a couple of buddies and told my buddy Von to bring his gun because we may get lucky and find him one. Lucky we were and as I went up and over the ridge my buck was down we spotted a nice 4 point. He was about 300 yards from mine and my buddy shot him right there.

Von's 23" buck.

It took three of us the rest of the day and half the night to get these deer off the mountain. It was still worth it.

A picture of both of our deer.
I.B. That is an Awesome buck !!!! It is even more impressive holding it in my hands. (That is a line alot of women told me in College ;) ) I think I recognise that one burnt tree in the background, although I didn't think Unit 50 had snow like that ?

Hope you're getting the other roll developed with the other "Monster" on in. Burn up the film and let's roll !!!

Sweeeet buck! Sure is nice when a 26"er turns into a 30"! Usually the opposite for most of us.
Congratulations on an awesome trophy.
No ground shrink there!! Congrats Bugler you've had a darn good season. Congrats to the buddy as well...always nice being rewarded when you help someone out.
IB awesome buck and congrats on getting a double with your friend. Both are definite shooters in my book.
Hey that area looks familiar. Looks like over near Billings Montana. And just think we are telling people there are good animals in Idaho.LOL Got to keep our spots in Montana secret.
Moosie, I'll burn up the rest of the film tonight and take it to one hour tommorrow. When are you headed out to go elk hunting?

Chris, You can be my buddy anytime. I was scrambling to find someone to help me pack him out. I was just glad he was rewarded so nicely.

Thanks everybody for all the nice comments.

Originally posted by IdahoBugler:
I was scrambling to find someone to help me pack him out. I was just glad he was rewarded so nicely.
WTF ? After the Bear ordeal this spring I told you to keep my # for a 24/7 call. Scrambling my a$$ :D :D

Originally posted by IdahoBugler:
Moosie, I'll burn up the rest of the film tonight and take it to one hour tommorrow. When are you headed out to go elk hunting?
Gunna leave Thursday. If we don't hook up it's Not that big of deal. We can Hook up when I get back. Thanx for having a camera

Kudos on the Montana Buck !!!!
Uh.... Moosie....

It was me that packed out the bear for you.... :rolleyes:

My guess is that IdaBugler has me much higher on his list to be a buddy.... ;)