Caribou Gear

Idaho Elk and Wolves and....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho
So, I slipped out last weekend and although I didn't have a tag, 3 buddies and my son did. In 2 days they took 4 elk with 4 tags from 4 different herds. There were tons of cows spotted and around 12 spikes and a 4 point bull (Which my kid shot).

This weekend my season opened and we went out and saw over 50 cows and 6-7 Spikes Friday and 35 cows (In a whole different range) and only one 4x5 raghorn.

First off, I realize if I'm seeing that many cows I'm hunting in the wrong area for bigger bulls this time of the year. We heard wolves both days and I know that the area I hunt has probably the largest volume of Wolves in Idaho. Yet, we're seeing Tons of elk, more then I've ever seen in the 13 years of hunting there and tons of calves and spikes.

Are the Wolves just eating the BIG BULLS ?!?!?!?!
To answer your question Oscar. YES!!! The big bulls have to start somewhere. There is no doubt wolves kill a huge number of elk which are potential big bulls....
Hunted the same area this year as we have for 18 years. Saw more elk, including 6-points, than we have ever seen in there. In fact, helped haul out the biggest 6-point we have ever seen in that drainage.

And, we had 5 sets of wolf tracks EVERYWHERE, which was obviously a good sign based on all the deer and elk we saw in the area.
well not to burst you wolf loving bubble, but any open season right now is wintering area! that means all the elk from a huge area congregate in that area, in turn you see more elk, now spread those elk over the vast area that they most likely migrated from, lets see not so many elk now is there..... I mainly bow hunt and just from 2003 when I started backpacking into the frank church, I used too see 30+ elk a day, this year and a ton more miles 3 little bulls, not a cow or calf was heard but hey I'm not the expert. Seriously we are starting too have a wolf problem, i'm not anti wolf, wish they would just manage them as they do the elk and deer:W: I saw only 1 deer on my 8 day trip. go figure, don't know for sure though what is hurting them or the elk, just saying that since the wolf population has gone up all other numbers have dropped, so why not just level out the playing field and have a some wolves and lots of deer and elk......:confused: anyway have a great day, i'm leaving again too go find that illusive 190" buck....
Not sure where anyone said anything about hunting wintering areas. Season is closed in that area now. I agree, we were hunting a week or so after the opener, but that is only because we don't like hunting in crowds. And, given that you had to get over 7000 feet to get 10" of snow. Not sure that the "migration" from a huge area was in effect, yet.

You are right, absolutely no elk left in Idaho. Everybody should hunt other states. Colorado and Utah are far better choices.
Ducky, actually I tip more Anti-Wolf then a "Wolf lover".... So be carefull labeling people and reading what you "think" you're seeing. I'll lable my sentences so there's no mix up in the future.

What I was saying is in the general season and now my Muzz season all I"m seeing is Spikes and Cows and a crap load of them with minor branch antlered bulls (FACT). I've seen more elk this year then ever before in hunting here in both seasons for the last 13 years (FACT). I hunt the Sawtooth region and there is also no shortage of Wolves. (FACT). I have seen less hunters then ever before as well. (FACT).

I'm sure it's because I suck as a big bull hunter (unfortunately a FACT).... but I'm going to say it's because the wolves ate all the big bulls (a JOKE). . I'm not gonig to admit I just can't find them. (Frustration).......

But I have 2 more wekends so I think I can pull a little "something ~ something" out of the hills (Wishfull/Hopefull thinking).
But I have 2 more wekends so I think I can pull a little "something ~ something" out of the hills (Wishfull/Hopefull thinking).

Those 12 spikes are a little something something...Dude I log into hunttalk today and read nothing but rants by you today...Somebody got your goat??? :D
sorry I wasn't meaning too start a war here, just "thought" that you were hunting a late hunt in a wintering area, my bad... sorry you took it like that.... I hate the internet that way, people always seem too find something somebody just mentions mean and disrespectful, not my intent at all... I was just stating a few things that I have noticed. And I admit that the wolf lover comment probably wasn't called for. The wolf issue just gets my blood boiling..... my bad.. sorry too all that I offended...
Duck', No Offence ever taken... Go kill a big one dude !!!

Fowladdict... Ranting ? Me ? I'm just whining about not seeing any big elk. And I made a little comment about a picture was all :p There are a ton of Elk up there.... I just need to find the big ones... Or the time to get back up there. Something tells me this weekend will be some Carnaige though.

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