Idaho Antelope (PICS)


New member
Sep 18, 2002
Here are a few pics of the antelope I got in Idaho this past Friday (10/11/02). I shot him with a 7mm Rem. Mag and he dropped in one shot. He scores right around 77. It was an awesome hunt!!



THATS AWSOME pictures man !!!!!! WHat unit were ya hunting ? Becasue is you were by BOISE and din't look me up, I'm Gunna give you a BUTT WHOOPIN' :D :D

CONGRATS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My current boss and good friend who grew up in Boise took me to the area. I better not say the unit # since I was taken there as a favor, but it is up near Challis, so I wasn't really close enough to give you a shout.
It was an awesome hunt, and I won't tell you how many bucks I missed before I finally got this one :D
The good thing is, the ones I missed were not as big as the one I got, so that worked out great!!
Unit 50 is a good area ;)

Telling someone a Unit is like telling someone "IDAHO". I wasn't asking if you were huting The east end of Copper basin or anything ;) BUt it's good to keep secrets. HELL I do it WELL !! Jsut go lookatthe elk section with an ELK down. I never said who it was

Seriously though, GLAD ya scored, I put in every year for Bighorn so I can't draw on Antelope. the only way for me to hnt them is in ANOTHER state. So Next year I'll have my apps out :D :D
Moosie-you are real close on the unit #, but not quite right ;)
I hope I didn't sound like an A-hole, it just isn't my area to be telling people about, and I have to respect my boss or I may be without a job real soon :D
Take care and shoot straight!!
NAHhh I was giveiing you crap... I'm hunting Montana this year.. And Everyone that asks, I say "MAMOTH" (YELLOWSTONE).. Even my wife doesn't know. It's all good !!!!

Congrats on the Buck man, When ya make it back here lemme know though !! We'll hook up for a brewsky or dinner or something !!!!
Real nice antelope !!!!,way to go.
Are you going to haveing him mounted?
He sure would look great on the wall.
Yep-he is definitely going on the wall. His cape was beautiful and perfect, and it is my first antelope, so I didn't really have a choice.
Now it is just talking my wife into putting him in the living room :D
Hee Hee tell you could put it right over the bed. He could watch over you all night. That ought to get her agreeing to put it in the living room. Man I am not helping this poor woman out. :D
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