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I'd love to hear the opinions on this video...

Anti hunters are going to love that one. I don't think he needed to shoot the moose, especially when he could have waited a while and it probably would have lost interest and left. My biggest issue is him just driving away and leaving it there...isn't that wanton waste and prosecutable?
My biggest issue is him just driving away and leaving it there...isn't that wanton waste and prosecutable?

Apparently it's raised the concern of the Wyoming Game &^ Fish who are looking for info on it.

With all the problems we have with moose, stupid people rank right up there with the worst of them.
I defiantly think the snowmobiler was wrong to get that close in the first place but once the moose attacked it changes everything. I think that moose was turning to charge again when he shot. Probably would have done the same thing, other than I would not have gotten into that situation in the first place. His other big mistakes were leaving the wounded moose and apparently not reporting it ASAP.

This will get interesting when they find the guy that shot.
I think the guy is an idiot and needs to be reprimanded. I certainly hope Wyo G&F can find him.

Driving at that moose pushing his luck he deserved to be stomped.
It sucks to see it. I can see both sides but the guy kept creeping up on the moose and did not give it much time to move off the trail before he started moving closer and that is harassment. I would like to see the video taken before that part of the film to see what kind of time he gave it to move off the trail.
I'm with schalts on the "it sucks to see it" Nothing good will come from this guy having video of this mess. How someone was dumb enough to put it on youtube is beyond my thinking. Beyond that, it seems to me that once the moose climbed aboard that snowmobile, shooting it was the only prudent thing for the guy to do. I can't picture any normal thinking person letting that moose have a second go round at them when they are able to fend it off in any fashion. Not saying that the guy is a quick thinking ace by any means, just not thinking criminal offence here. Wanton Waste?? Leave that moose where it lays, it won't be wasted. Magpies and coyotes gotta eat, same as us. Wasting time and manpower is not gonna change anything about that mess. Stuff happens sometimes.
That's a good thing I am sure. My boys showed it to me sometime yesterday. As bad as the outcome was, it had some really interesting parts as far as animal behavior concerning moose. I will never try to bluff one into yielding the trail after seeing that. I believe if he could have veered well to one side,the moose would have passed. And a rather vivid display of how effective a handgun can be to deter large critters from stomping you a second time.
I wasn't quick enough to see it.Sounds like the guy pushed his luck,and now will have some big trouble.My question is why is he packing a gun snowmobiling??Whats he have to worry about on a normal outing
Hard to pov can skew threat perception. Sure wouldn't put anything like that on youtube though.
Apparently it has been removed from Youtube due to content

Possibly from 1 user, but not all of them. The link MKotur325 is still working as of right when I post this.

I took a screen shot from 0:04 when the rider looks to his left. You can see tracks, although not fresh, going a different direction. Lots of folks saying he had no choice. Not sure I buy that.

Personally I think the rider forced the situation and in turn the outcome.

I've ridden snowmobiles here in CO. I'll admit I'm a novice, but I've ridden in powder conditions and didn't have an issue until I stopped.

I'm curious if it is Wyo and what F&G will do if they find the guy.
I wasn't quick enough to see it.Sounds like the guy pushed his luck,and now will have some big trouble.My question is why is he packing a gun snowmobiling??Whats he have to worry about on a normal outing

I pack a gun when I go to the grocery store. Even more so, every time I go into the back country. Not for the normal outings…..but for that unusual outing. With that comes a great responsibility to keep yourself out of situations requiring you to use it if at all possible. A gun is not an available option, it's a last resort. Looks like the guy could have made better choices so as not to require this outcome. Bad deal for sure.
This incident, according to a WY game warden, happened a few years back in Colo.
The idiot was not charged. To say that the snowmobiler handled that situation wrong is an understatement.