Yeti GOBOX Collection

Hunttalk makes it on Elkshape. You keyboard warriors! Lol

Interesting. I watched about 40 minutes. I confess I don't know who those guys are. Help me out? I went to the linked website in the video description and it appears that the main host is Dan. I didn't see a last name anywhere. He has had Cam's cell number since like 2006 though, so he's clearly someone I should know.

Honest do people find the time to watch hunting content? Every once in awhile I will watch a Colorado sheep or deer hunt if it shows up in suggested videos in the sidebar, but otherwise...nada. I haven't even watched a Randy video in a couple of years (sorry, Randy).
That's what it will become for a lot of people eventually if it hasn't already....a spectator sport.
I listened to the whole thing. The two big dudes don’t really seem to get it.

The main elk shape guy seems to actually be pondering the industry and how everyone is acting. At one point he mentions influencers should post less grip and grins and more of them doing conservation work. Hard to hate on the guy when he seems to be genuinely being introspective on the industry.
I listened to the whole thing. The two big dudes don’t really seem to get it.

The main elk shape guy seems to actually be pondering the industry and how everyone is acting. At one point he mentions influencers should post less grip and grins and more of them doing conservation work. Hard to hate on the guy when he seems to be genuinely being introspective on the industry.
Imagine if they devoted time to conservation outings instead of grifting people into taking silly in person master classes and seminars
That's what it will become for a lot of people eventually if it hasn't already....
Drury brothers were asked years ago what the future of hunting looked like and they said less people hunting and more people watching. It was in a magazine article maybe 10 plus years ago, but it stuck with me. The people that use public land to burn down resources have zero respect from me. They are doing the opposite of what they claim to be doing.
Drury brothers were asked years ago what the future of hunting looked like and they said less people hunting and more people watching. It was in a magazine article maybe 10 plus years ago, but it stuck with me
Yup people cutting there own throat so to speak and smiling the whole time they're doing it. Oblivious, then wonder why they can't afford access to go or draw a tag. All the while smashing the like button.
I don’t really wanna watch the whole thing, so do they literally complain about HuntTalk specifically? Or just generally all that we here represent as the apex of internet?
Don’t watch it.
Yup. It’s causing division. We are supposed to support other hunters even the dipchits with a propensity to post all their chit to grow their following so they can hunt and flex in the mirror instead of actually work like us old keyboard warriors that are just miserable and bad hunters. No need to listen now that I wrote the summary.
that is a good summary.