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Hunt Talk Facebook group


New member
Jul 27, 2016
Hello HuntTalk members,

Lately, I've been frequenting Facebook's group platforms. Found it both beneficial and mostly a useless time killer. I wanted to keep the great Hunt Talk conversations going. I noticed we didn't have a group yet so I decided to create one. Search "Hunt Talk Forum" on facebook and feel free to join and contribute!

If any actual hunttalk admins see this and would like to take the group over, please let me know.

HuntTalk forums has had a major positive influence in my hunting career. The generosity of knowledge and helpfulness of complete strangers from this forum is beyond me. Always fighting the good fight and helping others succeed with their pursuit in the great outdoors. Also, need to thank the big man himself Randy!
Can we commit to arguing about wolves non-stop like all the other Facebook hunting groups?
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I'm probably being dense, but why? Doesn't having the conversation there rather than here just take advertisement dollars out of Fin's pocket and put them in Zuckerberg's?
I'm probably being dense, but why? Doesn't having the conversation there rather than here just take advertisement dollars out of Fin's pocket and put them in Zuckerberg's?

Exactly, this is a social media platform that someone has put a shitload of work into, why try an take away from it?

I don't want to jump over to another platform for a conversation that should be held right here.
Exactly, this is a social media platform that someone has put a shitload of work into, why try an take away from it?

I don't want to jump over to another platform for a conversation that should be held right here.

So aggressive off the bat......

For sure not my mentality making that group. I do not understand what could be "taken away" from this forum. The group is a supplementation to this forum. I highly doubt members will just transfer over to facebook and void using hunttalk forum. As I am not asking you to. Think of it as a supplement or quick addition to keep the hunttalk family close.

Being fans and members of this forum we hold Randy's brand as a positive influence to the hunting and non hunting community. I am not afraid to promote that regardless of what platform I use. Just like youtube, and instagram. Its free marketing for the big fin.

Billions of people already utilize Facebook. Speaking of which you already have facebook. Not quiet sure by joining a group you are giving Zuckerberg, more money. Say if the group does blow up, Randy does has the ability to promote his sponsers on that groups page. Theres alot more eyes on facebook then there is on this forum.

I hope you understand my intentions are not negative besides the 100 funny vegan meme's I'm about to post.
Your heart is in the right place, but you can't just go taking what I'm guessing are copyrighted images and a trademarked title and treating it like your own. Strong suggestion that you shut down that group and ask the proprietor here for permission before doing something like that.
I'm probably being dense, but why? Doesn't having the conversation there rather than here just take advertisement dollars out of Fin's pocket and put them in Zuckerberg's?

I fully agree.
I'm wondering what conversations would take place there that don't already take place here. Also why give the anti-hunting groups access to our conversations on FB?
Your heart is in the right place, but you can't just go taking what I'm guessing are copyrighted images and a trademarked title and treating it like your own. Strong suggestion that you shut down that group and ask the proprietor here for permission before doing something like that.

Your heart is in the right place, but you can't just go taking what I'm guessing are copyrighted images and a trademarked title and treating it like your own. Strong suggestion that you shut down that group and ask the proprietor here for permission before doing something like that.

Your heart is in the right place, but you can't just go taking what I'm guessing are copyrighted images and a trademarked title and treating it like your own. Strong suggestion that you shut down that group and ask the proprietor here for permission before doing something like that.

As long as it's represented as a fan page and not an imposter, there's nothing to stop anyone from creating a page such as this.
I feel either Facebook would waste time in duplication/diversion of conversations held here on the forum.

This forum is well monitored, most people may not realize the time that goes into that effort. A Facebook account would add to that monitoring labor to maintain the standard that Randy has, which I, for one, am grateful for.

Also most don't know about Facebook's metrics. A couple years ago they changed their platform so that only 10% of the people that like a page actually get to see that page show up in their feed. And Facebook controls who that 10% are. Anyone else, you will have to regularly check with the page to see what they regularly post. Now, to increase visibility you can pay Facebook to send it to more of the 80% that liked your page.

Also, Facebook adds a cookie on every viewers computer that monitors and sells your usage (what all site you visit online, even when you are not on Facebook), married with all your personal details you have provided about yourself, to any buyer.

On Your Own Adventures does not do that according to their Privacy Policy, "We neither rent nor sell your personal information to anyone without your consent. We will not share your personal information with other individuals or companies except in the following circumstances:"

Also, not having a Facebook account anymore (partly because of the above reasons, so I can't directly link to it) if you read their content information about what you post, they have a right to it, part of their "free" service, which they can then modify or sell to anyone they choose. Randy's images are copyrighted, so this may be a conflict.
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