PEAX Equipment

How to Host a Murder....


Grand poopa
Dec 9, 2000
Boise, Idaho

Anyone ever host one, go to one or heard of someone doing one ? Talk to me, We're buying a couple to see how they are. Sounds like a Kick in the pants ?!?!?!
JB, Although it's not Killing Flys and drinking Bud Light (Which I'm sure you do on your porch every weekend) It's something new to try.

Mama Moose just ordered a couple and I'll let you know how they go. Most are for 8-10 people and we have our first get together in the works. You have to figure out who killed who by the clues and hopefully have a good time doing it. It's like roll playing (Like when you pretend your Mrs. isn't a sheep ;) )

PS. you're not invited you party pooper ..... :D :D
I have looked into it, but haven't actually purchased any of the different scenarios. Kind of like a live version of Clue from what I gathered.
Moosie said:
JB, Although it's not Killing Flys and drinking Bud Light (Which I'm sure you do on your porch every weekend) It's something new to try.

It's like roll playing (Like when you pretend your Mrs. isn't a sheep ;) )

first of all, what is wrong with either of those, i love bud light and i usually pretend my wife is something else angelina jolie....but what the i invited?;)
chit moosie, i was really looking forward to the least post some pics so i can see the fun that i missed.

( im really surprised this thread didnt take on a life of its own like the camp pics thread :D..... for a moment, i thought i heard crickets when i opened it)
I'll post pics... and I'll let you know. And no, neither one of you are invited, quit asking !!!

Looks like Nov 3rd(ish) we're going to host one... I'll let you know how it goes :D
...think I'd rather watch my food plot grow....but can't wait for the pics.:D :D...there goes those damn crickets again JB.

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