Yeti GOBOX Collection

How do I mount my trophy heads on the wall?


New member
Dec 22, 2000
Klein, Texas
I just got eland and wildebeest heads back from the taxidermist and I forgot how BIG those animals were (I've also got a red stag coming in about a month). How on earth do I mount them on the wall - I know I've got to find a wall stud, but these things are 40+lbs and even a big nail may not be enough. Any ideas out there? I know some of you guys have elk heads on the wall at home, how did you mount those? Thanks in advance!
Don't use a nail in the wall, they arn't as strong as a good sized drywall screw. It may help to put two in, a little way's apart so you get a little less weight on each screw. I know this may not help much. :D :D
There is also supposed to be a special little hook that hangs down off from your screw that can take a huge amount of weight....Hopw you find one...
Below is the Mounting on the Wall proccess that we did to get my bear on the Wall.

Tyson (T-Bone) is up on the Left side. Chris B. (Wyley) is underneath and I am on the right in black *SMILE*


Warren, Who visits the Forum but hasn't come up w/ a name yet and hasn't posted, Is holding his Arm out ... MAYBE in a Prayer or something...........


Notice the Tevas !!! Chris is holding the Rock and Warren Praying again......


Here I am saying... SH.......Something.. !!!!


Last but Not least is the final few adjustments. Hey Warren, What ARE YA LOOKING AT.... ?!?!?!!?!


I invited the "GANG" over and We had Pizza and worked for About 3 HOURS LONG......

Was a long proccess but It was worth it!!!!!

Here is the Picture of what the final Proccess looks like....


We started with one LAG BOLT, and used 2 screws to anchor it into the wall..... ON the MOOSE and deer and Elk mount I jsut use a small diameter lag bolt... THE head and shaft (NO JOKES HERE) are much thicker then a screw........
