PEAX Equipment

Hey all....feels good to be back


New member
Jan 12, 2004
Accidents suck !!

OK....details. A couple years back, the wife and I bought the local (and closed) bowling alley with the intentions of eventually getting rid of the lanes and converting it to an archery shop/lanes....something I can do and get out of shift work........

Well for the past several months I've been tearing everything down...from the lanes to the machines, etc....we even found a buyer for all of the stuff, and were sitting pretty good. Well two Mondays ago, when I was working with one of the last machines to take down, a large top heavy piece fell on the back of my left calf.......requiring a nice ambulance ride and two surgeries... :eek:

Ened up that I got a upside-down check-mark shaped gouge, 2" by 6" hole just below the main calf muscle.....which thankfully did not damage, but did expose the main artery, bone and achilles tendone.....and all of this damage was done without tearing my jeans !!! They figure that the denim materail softened the edge of the metal and that kept it from severing the achilles and from breaking my leg........

It did do some major damage to the main calf muscle and of course the hide, but I'm doing pretty freakin good, all considering....even granted some STD from work (NO, not the disease ;) ) I'm able to put some light weight on my foot now, but feels weird cause everything is sewn up, which in turn shortened up the calf.....I guess the therapy I'll be going through will be to slowly stretch everything back out, so that I'll have full range of motion again.......

So long and short of it, this happening before Thanksgiving really woke me up to the things a guy takes for granted.......but it does suck, cause I am missing a big part of the remiander of hunting season.....but at least I'll be able to hunt many more......... :)

PS....this also means I haven't checked trail cameras in over a ready for a ton of pics........also, I couldn't stand just sitting in the house anymore, so I've drug myself out to the truck and did some driving....hunting with camera.......I've seen to flippin awesome Mulies, but could not catch them with enough daylight left to get any pics........they both gotta go around goal is to snap a pic of them before they shed.......and of course share them with you all.....

Good luck to you all and the rest of your seasons......and stay safe.
Good to you know you are able to send us a letter. welcome back and I take nothing for granted in this time and age. Be safe and heal and get us those pics *LOL* Good to hear from you again iminrut. get ready for next year hunting and many more to come.
iminrut said:
I'm doing pretty freakin good, all considering....

Ow, ow, ow, now that's a real man who can find the good note in that experience.

Glad to hear you are doing better. Just don't pull a Nut and make a habit out of it.
iminrut... Sorry to hear about your accident. Damm that sounds like it hurt:eek: Hope your on the mend and looking forward to some pics once ya get your wheels back under ya.;) Take it easy.
Yeah, I was folding some paper the other day and BAM! Paper Cut!!!!!!!!!! I'm hoping after therapy I will still be able to Hunt. DANG, I really am sorry about your accident, but it sounds like you have a good outlook on it and should be back on track soon, that's the Key with therapy, Set a goal and make it happen. Best of Luck in your Venture! John
Ya, know doubt...paper cuts suck.....I rank them right up there with slivers.....especiallly the ones under a guys fingernail......

Well, I shed the crutches today......things are feeling better, and I think things will be just fine......I think I'll be able to salvage the last 3 weeks of Archery season, so hopefully I can get something brown to touch the ground....
Now THAT is some good news!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have a guy on our lease, every year it's something new, this year it was a total knee replacement! Best of Luck on sticking a Big Un! John
Leupold BX-4 Rangefinding Binoculars

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