Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Hello???? H E L L O ! ! ! Anybody there?

What's happened to the "politics" section?
For a couple of months it was pretty lively, now it's quiet! Can anyone figure it out?
Sure it was lively , everyone loves a trainwreck or a fight. :D

I'm not looking for much action for a while since we only seem to have about ten people posting on the whole system right now.

We did have several people that would bring issues forward for discussion but all the b.s. drove them away.

What do you guys suggest? News related item ? Inane questions? Thought provoking controversial subject matter? Or should I just bribe a bunch of my buds over here to party?

If you point anyone in this direction tell them no personal attacks. Attacks on ideas or statements are fair game but if they get in someone's face it will be editted or removed.
I'll do what I can to that end Ithaca. Bring something up and we'll see how many hits we can start pulling down.
Oh, and Worthless we'll need a note from Vipress giving you permission to play :D
Remember back when there was only about one topic a week in "Politics" (that's what SI used to be called)? It took some real abrasive, insulting posts to get enough trouble started so people would come watch, and then lots of controversy and fights to keep them watching.
Finally, more and more posters decided to jump into the debates and look where we're at now!
It's been a real rough ride, but I like the way it turned out.
Second only to Fireside and Adult Jokes in number of topics (what a sad commentary that is
)! Still number 2 in total posts! All it takes is a good set of mud-slingers and the band will play.
"Marland, I decided to rescue "Politics" and nobody thanks me! What a bunch of ingrates! Next time rescue it yourself. Oh, I'm sorry Chain, you did give me some credit. Thanks. It's been hard work! I think one of the problems is that you insult people and chase them away. Try to lighten up a bit! You're in pretty good shape, you can take over now and try to keep it going. Good luck! I'll be busy for awhile, but I'll look in from time to time. Don't drop the ball! If you ever want lessons in how to get people involved just call me. "

HaHaHaHaHa this was a good post to bring back to the top,looks like only the date has been changed .LMAO
I have to ask ,how many of you can even find old topic's about yourself?
Anyone should be able to find old topics simply by using the search method right below "Post New Topic".

As for MD4Ms quote---that was the type of tactic that got people reading and posting in "Politics". I wasn't seeing any other methods that were working. They had to have a "bad guy" to go after. And we went thru a few quiet periods to test the theory!
Yeah, every time I try to stir chit up it's either "somethings wrong with Mars" or "Mars is trying to stir chit again". So until we get someone here that's better You're stuck with being the Bad Guy Ithaca (yes, I am patting him on the back)
Then you guys are in terrible deep shit then. X, don't we have enough problems without cannabilizing ourselves? Everytime something happens, the hunters turn on themselves and sacrife some of own just to appease the public. A while back it was the semiautos, and the game farms, now the atvs, what's next?
You are exactly right Lost. We are in terrible deep shit. Just look at how many people comment here in SI, go way back to when it was politics, no one really cared until it affected their specific likes.

OOPS edit/ I mean other than the debate junkies we have regularly, compare how many here to how many post on Hunttalk regularly. Technically, we should have every member here in SI if for no other reason than to read the articles. But I doubt we have less than 20% regular readers.

<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-25-2003 10:40: Message edited by: MarlandS ]</font>
Yup, Most of them say they don't want to get involved in anything political. They say they can't make a difference, they say they have to spend too much time educating themselves on issues, etc.

Then they bitch when they don't like how things turn out.
Now Now ladies.. just simmer down. Don't go looking at "I don't care enough to respond on the board" and only reading "I don't care...".. Just because some folks choose not to get involved here, doesn't mean that they don't care enough to research and act on an issue. I just means that they don't care enough to engage in the "shitslinging" contests that go on on this board.

Gratefully for all of you I'm sure, I'm not one of those folks. I am always willing to discuss intelligently or heatedly or a little of both, almost any topic that's brought to the top. I guess I could probably start a minor skuffle or two but I would rather pick my fights and pick my battlefields. Keep the sun at my back, and the wind in my face and use guns in a knife fight.... Given all of that, what's next??

How about we discuss the good that is done by public grazing on government land?


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 02-25-2003 11:40: Message edited by: danr55 ]</font>
I do feel special that you choose to post your vast knowledge upon the forum which I am charged with. It's just so frustrating to me that all those other people NEED my opinion yet don't come here seeking it. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?? Evidently nothing because a thinking person would be here.
( I won't go to hell for lying will I ? )

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