PEAX Equipment

HB 140 passes


Well-known member
Oct 23, 2012
SE Montana
HB 140 passed the house today on a 71 to 29 vote. If you supported this bill you should thank Rep. Welborn.

HB 140 passed the house today on a 71 to 29 vote. If you supported this bill you should thank Rep. Welborn.


Here's the vote count:$BLAC.VoteTabulation?P_VOTE_SEQ=H949&P_SESS=20151

Rep. Welborn did a grand job today. Interesting that most of House Leadership voted no on the bill.
Wow, kind of surprised it was that easy. I was expecting something along the lines of the amendments that are being attached to a similar bill in Idaho.
Wow, kind of surprised it was that easy. I was expecting something along the lines of the amendments that are being attached to a similar bill in Idaho.

We still have the senate. Expect lots of shenanigans.
I glanced through the bill... I couldn't really see how much our tags are going up. Am I missing something? Is the "base hunting license" a new name for the conservation license?
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HB 140 is a great idea. But us nonres hunters are way ahead of the game .Final checkout cost for deer comb. in 2014 was $596.07, today for 2015 deer combo checkout price $608.37. Still a good deal, but gettin tougher ever year.
HB 140 is a great idea. But us nonres hunters are way ahead of the game .Final checkout cost for deer comb. in 2014 was $596.07, today for 2015 deer combo checkout price $608.37. Still a good deal, but gettin tougher ever year.

How do you consider $608 for a deer to be a good deal? Thievery.


Very minimal increase for us residents. Article says that FWP will stay in the black until 2021. I am surprised this increase will help for that long.

I would have supported a higher increase than this for residents, but any increase is better than nothing.
sbhopper , $608 isn't so bad if a person could get use of the small game and fishing . Lots of good and bad . bad- priced out of range for alot of folks to buy annually. Good - can draw each year, good long season and funds alot of block mgmnt land wich makes for some great hunting and also takes some pressure off other public land .
HB 140 has passed the senate with some minor amendments and is now headed to the Gov.
Personally satisfying for me. Glad that the time I spent in Helena in 2013 and 14 was time well spent.

sbhopper , $608 isn't so bad if a person could get use of the small game and fishing . Lots of good and bad . bad- priced out of range for alot of folks to buy annually. Good - can draw each year, good long season and funds alot of block mgmnt land wich makes for some great hunting and also takes some pressure off other public land .

Jeez! At least spell my name right!
sbhooper, Sorry about the misspelling , no wonder I never got past the first round of the national spelling B .

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