Has anyone ever gotten their A$$ KICKED... from the internet ?

Well, I'm a bit gun shy after my experiences last night. Think i'll hold off on anything that could be misunderstood as bragging or gloating over buck pics. The worst thing to be called is a braggart or know it all when it comes to hunting. I'm not either of those things. Having said that, i've been fortunate enough to hang my tag on a few OK bucks in my carreer. maybe as i get to know some of you guys a bit better, I'll loosen up and you can all tell me what a collection of dinks i have on the wall! I'm guessing some dandy bucks have met their demise due to the efforts of some of you guys! I'd like to see a few of them!
i'll be checking in off and on to chat with you guys. take care.........jake.
Let me guess, WH wants to know Units, Controlled HUnt drawing odds, bonus points required, topo maps, and wind direction...... just so he can say "Nevada Sucks"!:rolleyes:

Nope, just curious as to if gemstatejake killed quality bucks like that on a regular basis, or if that was a first. Did you see the picture, Jose? Really nice buck.
I went and read those threads on monstermuleys. This Jake guy shot a nice buck -but shit, there's no trees there, how hard would that be? :D

From the looks of Jake he won't be kicking much ass though, he looks like he's freezing to death in the picture, what a pussy. That, and there's a feltching straw sticking out of his pocket. He's gay, obviously. Proof that shooting a nice buck doesn't take manliness.
I guess I'll admit it, a woman I met on the internet spanked my butt. It was a mutual good thing though. Does that count?

I can picture it now, Tom and this woman, sending instant messagess back, and forth. Slowly getting friendlier and friendlier with each other. Finially Tom gets the nerve and asks her out on a date..
They meet in a dark out of the way resteraunt, Tom looks deep into the womans eyes and shrieks "Mom what are you doing here?" Then he gets his ass beat.
Jake, I saw one of your deer that was linked in the MM post. Do you have any other mule deer field shots? Welcome to the darkside.

Jake, dont do it... Miller still hasn't posted a picture of his...:rolleyes:
Jake, dont do it... Miller still hasn't posted a picture of his...:rolleyes:

I am really begining to wonder about you. First on MM you say

"schmalts (929 posts)
Mar-26-07, 09:03 PM (MST)
66. "RE: Hunters screwed again by game agency!"
" I dont care what all you puzzies think or say. But really is important is how sexy that IDBUGLER guy is. "

and now you want mtmiller to post pics of his.

:eek: :eek:
