PEAX Equipment

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows


New member
Oct 29, 2003
Well, this is the first book I didn't have to wait in line at WalMart for and I am glad for that. My wife and daughter went out and stood in line to get a bracelet which determined the order you received the book. Hey, I didn't care but it was fiasco to say the least. Anyway, the wife gets home at 1:00 am this morning, reads until about 5 am when I tell her to get to bed. She wakes up 3 hours later and finally finished the book today at 5:30 pm. So if my math adds up correctly, she finishes up a 759 page book in just about 13.5 hours of reading time. Holy chit man! That's just under a page a freakin' minute. As a considerate husband, I offered an IV line a few hours ago and I got the look of death. The kids are happy to have their zombie mom back and now I have to hear about it for the next few days....or weeks....or years.....

I don't know what her hurry was anyway. It was the last book in the series of 7 with nothing else to look forward to........possibly the movies which she is a critic on anyhow. Hey, if she's happy, I'm happy.
If momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy...

That said, I got our copy ordered today. Hoping it will be here when TMOB returns from IN.
470 pages into it Little Oscar (Age 9) is 7 hours into the reading. We're down in Utah and he got 5 hours yesterday after watching the New Harry potter movie and then this morning he got up early and we've taken it away untill after the B-day Party.....

Notthat I'm comparing his reading to your wifes..... But jsut that it sounds liek it's a good book and hard to put down.
Lost weekend for my wife. I'm lucky I got supper on sunday. It must not be a sad ending cause she wasn't balling when she finished.:)
...cause she wasn't balling when she finished.:)

pa mt, don't leave an opening like that for this crowd.:D
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