Guiding pictures for this year so far.

hey ur killing them all before we get a chance at em.....:D Awesome pics though, keep up the great hunting.... wish I could come up there a guide, that would be awesome...

Always could use more help:) Pay sucks but I will garantee you will know how to kill a goose and a duck by the time your done:)
My Lab wants to know if he must bring me or just work with y'all....
Never did Alberta, but looks like I should but it will be a couple of years....based on results, you will still be there awating me and a couple of buds!
We have been getting a ton of snow this winter. With all of the run off and the way the bird populations are going to be it should be a fantastic year for birds next year. I am already ordering a pile of new gear and it is all good.
No we don't shoot cranes here in Alberta. They hunt them in Saskatchewan but they have not opened the season here yet. Too bad, it would be a lot of fun.
Just got done making my list of gear to buy for next season. I plan on buying a pile of decoys just to hunt Specks with. We get them with the Canada decoys but when you get a few hundred snow decoys like I plan on getting it will get real ugley and should be able to get limits of them most times out. Also have plans for another 6 dozen FFD speck decoys with all of the others i have and it should be unreal action. I am have my dates filled for the season. I should be able to get twice the pictures of this year. We only had 39 guys through camp this year. It was the worst ever so i did not get as many hunts in. This year I have 64 already booked in and a couple other groups thinking about it so I am pumped already and excited for the number of hunts I will be able to do this year. Season just ended it seems and I am already itching to get out there already.
I have some permanent blinds in some big marshes that produced outstanding last year and will take up some of my free time to make some blinds this year. I am ready to go already!!!!!
Best times is pretty much the whole season. Some area are better than others at certain times of the year. Geese early are easy to decoy and get limits off of but you won't see the masses of the migration till later in Ocober and that is cool to see. Specks show up later in September. Ducks don't get color till October. It gets colder later and can freeze up on you. Really the hunting is great throughout but it really depends on what type of birds and what you want to see in a hunt.

Costs vary a bit. There are some cheaper guys but you will be hunting out of a hotel and eating resturant food and most likely the guy won't have much for equipment. The more expensive guys have lodges, guides that are return guides every year that know the area and the outfitter is bases in an area and knows the area well. The high end price is about $2750 for a 3 day hunt. This is an all inclusive hunt. Shells, bird cleaning, meals, soft drinks, guides and everything you need for the hunt. The only extra is your beer that oyu will have to buy.:) It might seem high to a lot of guys from the U.S but we are about 30% more in higher costs than it is in the U.S for some reason. A case of beer here is worth your first born pretty much!:eek:

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