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Good Day in the Desert

Biscuit Hunter

New member
Jul 21, 2011
Prescott, AZ
I had a pretty stressful big game season. I drew tags, but finding the time to fill them seemed to be a chore. Any time towards deer and elk was time not spent in my struggle to get through my Organic Chemistry class. The seasons ended up perfectly timed to the most intense times of the semester. I really lost sight of what hunting is to me-- a way to burn off the stress of the daily grind. In the end I had to decided what was more important to me, putting horns on the wall, or putting a degree in wildlife biology on the wall. As much as it hurt, I took the long view, and studied my ass off instead of hunting my ass off. So after not filling my deer or elk tag, but notching the O Chem tag, I was ready to get out just for the joy of it.

So I went out to an old familiar haunt and took grandpas gun for a walk. It was a really good day in the desert.

I dropped this guy first

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Then this one

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And after that I pretty much just wandered around taking pictures and loving life.

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I ended up back at my truck earlier than I thought, because drinking a cold beer while watching the sunset was something that I felt like doing. I heard the quail calling away in all of the same roosting spots that I had come to know, but I felt content not to harass them anymore that day. There will be plenty of others.

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Nothing better then having a gun in hand that has more stories of hunting trips than we could ever imagine. Love the pics, thanks for sharing.
I also had to take o-chem in college too. It's not an easy class by any measure, especially when there's hunting to be had. It'll take a ton of your time and ends up being a class that knocks out a lot of other students. It does give a new appreciation for spending time in the outdoors and how therapeutic it is. Props for making the right choice. Hope you had a good semester and eventually get the job of your dreams!
Well done! I too think you made the right decision regarding your priorities. Kicking around the desert this time of year is a good time!

I guess I'm a glutton for punishment as I took 3 semesters of O chem...
I can't count the days I spent on hunts just like that for quail and cottontail. Best therapy in the world hiking in country like that. Then having fried rabbit and quail with mashed potatoes and gravy was and still is one of my favorite dinners.
Love the gun. If I remember... really heavy???

good luck to all
the dog

With a few shells in it, mine comes in just under eight pounds. So yeah, not ideal for long days with lots of miles on the boots. I have long had my eye on a CZ Bobwhite in 28 gauge. It would be nice to run around with a sub-six pound shotgun.

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