Kenetrek Boots

GirlGunner Gets 1st Goose on Thanksgiving Day


New member
Feb 26, 2003
South of the Border
It was just one month past 11 years ago, that the delivery room nurse handed me the most beautiful brown-eyed baby ever born. I remember being scared to death about the awesome responsibility and future that laid ahead of us. I had traveled the world, I had spent days on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, and I had been in the middle of the San Francisco earthquake, but yet I had never been more scared.

Well, that precious little baby soon started growing, and became a toddler and then made it to pre-school. With a few lessons from the Mighty Mite progam at Bogus Basin, she was soon skiing well. I remember being so proud of her, and scared for her, when she skied her first Black Diamond run.

She started school and we had all sorts of new adventures. For the first 4 years of her schooling, I spent every Monday morning in her classroom, volunteering and helping the teacher out, and watching my little girl grow up. We had first soccer goals and first baskets in basketball games. A class student council election gave her a taste of politics.

Every adventure and challenge was met and passed with a smile and wonderful attitude. 8 years old she made her first Wilderness Raft trip down the River of No Return watching Bighorn Sheep and building Sandcastles. This year she made the same Main Salmon trip, but paddled an inflatable kayak for much of the river and through her first Class III rapids. Watching her confidence grow, and her knowledge that she can meet any challenge continues to humble me.

There have been twists and turns in the road she has traveled, but always she has met them with a smile and a sense of adventure to the next phase of our lives.

Her starting to hunt has always been a bit of a mixed set of emotions to me. I have always been a bit afraid that she would do it for me, and not for herself, as she knows my love of hunting.

She took the Hunter Education class last winter, and soaked up every word the teacher dispensed. She studied every page of her manual and received a perfect score on her final test.

I toyed a bit with the idea of her hunting this fall, but was unable to find a shotgun that fit her, as a short 11 year old is not the "average" build the gun makers target. I thought at best, if we could drop a duck this winter, I would think we were successful.

Well, last night we located a youth Model 870 20 ga. and we decided to go Goose hunting on Thanksgiving Morning instead of watching the Macy's Parade.

Only one shot was fired all morning, and I'll let the next "Thousand Words" be as follows:

I definitely know what I give Thanks for on this Thanksgiving Day, and every day for that matter.
Way to go GG. As always Gunner the story puts us right there, like we're living the experiance with you, thanks for share, Good Luck, JLG.
Can't wait til my girl gets a wee bit older, so I get to experience the same feelings. Good read EG.
Congrats and thanks for the sappy
story . I don't have kids and really enjoyed it. Just think, next year you may be packing out HER raghorn!
Congrats to you and the young'un! She sounds like quite the little spitfire and you should be very proud.