Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

Gear lists what is improtnat


Mar 30, 2016
I was talking with a friend of mine who is thinking of getting in to hunting and was asking what is needed. So this got me thinking about the must haves, nice to haves and not really necessary. And in what order to start gearing up, as we all know hunting is not what I would call the cheapest of hobbies/life styles to buy into. The costs are on the upfront side for gear but once you have it it seams to last for several years if taken care of.

1) Weapon of choice bow/Rifle
2) Knife
3) Appropriate outerwear/Footweat
4) Pack
5) Binos
6) Range Finder

What am I missing and is my order out of wack.

Thanks all
Depending on what/where he is hunting, the optics are optional. I closer range sine guys use the range finger instead of binos. If gun hunting, a range finder is optional for closer shots.

I assume he is western hunting since there is no treestand (also optional). I'd say you got it. Weapon/clothing/tag/way to get game home
IMO Good boots are very important. Also, don't forget water purification if you plan on going out all day. And a good fire starter w/ tinder.
Don't forget some first aid supplies and hydration. Lots of injuries happen after the shot is taken- cuts from gutting/skinning and dehydration from packing game long distances on difficult terrain.
Have fun and be safe!
I'd put #1-5 of your list in the must have's department. The list of nice to haves can be quite variable depending the situation. I think the 3 Bs, Boots, Binos, Backpack, are the best places to focus your spending for western hunts.
I'd put #1-5 of your list in the must have's department. The list of nice to haves can be quite variable depending the situation. I think the 3 Bs, Boots, Binos, Backpack, are the best places to focus your spending for western hunts.

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