Friday Headstart Tunes for Ms. Europe

Can't leave this one out....Linda the little no big deal shrug at the end...fantastic
thanks guys. I was able to communicate with Brent early today before the day got started, but again Brent thanks and I agree, the metoo movement is not all bad but definitely in some cases it has gone to far. The woman says it and the man is guilty immediately--that is not only wrong but it goes against the law of the land "innocent until proven guilty" But I enjoyed that song when Dean sang it and still enjoy it today, thanks for posting it as well as the other two.

Ken, oh yeah (-; !! Most of the music that "grabs" me today is somehow related to an event or time in my life that I remember fondly . I always talk about Linda because I remember her in the 60's , always barefoot and braless, very approachable, beautiful and that voice. Remember at that time she would sing and then go to the bar or table when they took their break ( stone ponies ) Another one that grabs me is Marty Robbins a White Sport Coat and Pink Carnation. We went to a dance and that is what my husband wore. Also my daughter put together something to remember her father by which included a video and song titled "Daddy you can let go now" not popular but a tear jerker for any daughters who have lost a father. And I have to share this with you guys. We were on safari in Africa and one evening after dinner and SEVERAL drinks, I sang and danced with the folks who worked where we were staying, "A Lion Sleeps Tonight", I am told I either had a good time or made a complete ass out of myself, it just depends on who is telling the story (-:

Thanks guys, have a blessed Sunday and good week.

p.s. geetar, we were typing at the same time, very smooth, nice

bed time for me, good night and thanks, very kind fellows