Freaking out!!!!


New member
Aug 18, 2011
So I was just at scheel's in rapid city and they are completely sold out of AR15's and they just got 40 in today and they are already sold! There was also very little ammo to choose from, mainly handgun ammo but 556 and 308 was M.I.A. Just doesn't seem reasonable, or maybe I should be freaking out too? Haha! I hope nothing drastic happens with gun laws but itseems to be a little overboard. At least it will stimulate the economy.
It is a frenzy. I watched my supply for my website every day this week and even bulk .22 LR is gone now. Anything in bulk for a rifle or handgun is slim to none. I seen runs on ammo and reloading supplies before but nothing like this. Check this out
Obama wants to chip away at gun rights, this last shooting and the fact he has no future election worries is game on for him. I said it before the election, he will go for it, and here he goes.
It is out of hand at many levels with the left wingnuts, when our politicians will stoop as low as telling us they don't want you to have 32oz soft drinks, we really need to think how out civil liberties are falling. Even if you don't care about what liberties are being attacked at this time, keep in mind that the next one may be something you do like. If soft drinks are game, is there any limit to how they will want to run your life?
I got drug to wally world with the wife this evening,went back to sporting goods to pick up a couple boxes of 22 lr's for my nephews for Christmas. GONE. ZIP. NADA.
My best guess is they were about 90% sold out of all ammo,just a few boxes of oddball stuff left.

Gonna be a Merry Christmas for the Ammo industry.
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Three stores in elko are sold out of 223 ammo. Haven a hard time keeping my AR fed as well.
I bought a stripped AR lower on Monday for $119, that same lower is going on gunbroker Thursday night for $400!!!!!
I remember some hunt talkers in the past swear up and down that Obama is progun and no one has to worry about him taking away any gun rights and how all the paranoia is just feeding the NRA. I hope they are right.

The only thing is that I still didn't believe them and did my gun shopping on election day. The only thing is that I didn't do much ammo shopping. Now I'm having a hard time finding ammo.
I remember some hunt talkers in the past swear up and down that Obama is progun and no one has to worry about him taking away any gun rights and how all the paranoia is just feeding the NRA. I hope they are right.

The only thing is that I still didn't believe them and did my gun shopping on election day. The only thing is that I didn't do much ammo shopping. Now I'm having a hard time finding ammo.

I can get you bulk 223 me if you are serious.
So I was just at scheel's in rapid city and they are completely sold out of AR15's and they just got 40 in today and they are already sold! There was also very little ammo to choose from, mainly handgun ammo but 556 and 308 was M.I.A. Just doesn't seem reasonable, or maybe I should be freaking out too? Haha! I hope nothing drastic happens with gun laws but itseems to be a little overboard. At least it will stimulate the economy.

This ar15 ship has sailed. You should have thought about it last Friday.
I've enough ammo, powder, bullets, brass, and primers to last me 20 years.

Only reason is that I dont have a good sporting goods store closer than 60 miles. The local stores dont even carry the most common of powders, bullets, brass, etc.

I sure didnt stock up because of some fear of not being able to get it. Same thing happened when Clinton was elected both times...all BS.

Hey Schmalts, nice work with the propoganda...did you think of it all on your own, or was it your marketing directors idea?:D;)
I remember some hunt talkers in the past swear up and down that Obama is progun and no one has to worry about him taking away any gun rights and how all the paranoia is just feeding the NRA. I hope they are right.

One only had to look at his record on gun rights in Chicago... If they did and said he is pro gun I really don't know where they came up with that dream. The guy hates guns, unless they are in the hands of the secret service or the ones he sold to the Mexican cartels and refuses to give details on. Kind of ironic, this turd wants to take away from you the same guns he refuses to talk about giving to the drug cartels.:cool:
Buzz, call it what you want, I call it the truth
Why hasn't anybody suggested at tax on firearms to fund a mental health initiative.

And why should firearms be taxed for this? Are you really going to trust the government to use the taxes raised from something like that to be used just for that? You have waaaaay too much trust that the government would do that. Take a look as SS, tell me where that money went.
Even though Schmalts really has the tin foil hat snugged down particularly tight tonight...I have to agree with him on this. Why should a tax on firearms solely fund a mental health initiative?
Why hasn't anybody suggested at tax on firearms to fund a mental health initiative.

Because it is an issue that affects our whole society, and it's not up to gun owners to foot the bill. Should we have a tax on running shoes to fund research on obesity?
If the Dem's want to make double certain that very few of them get elected in the next political cycle, then they will ban some guns, and other same old, same old chit they did before. History will repeat itself. I don't believe they will go very far with gun control.

I remember some hunt talkers in the past swear up and down that Obama is progun and no one has to worry about him taking away any gun rights and how all the paranoia is just feeding the NRA. I hope they are right.

I don't remember any Hunt Talkers claiming Nobama was pro gun. Can you find where that took place and post it?

Gun control would have been political suicide before this rash of shootings. Who could have foretold of the events that took place this year. I think a lot of hot air will be let out for awhile. People won't ruin their careers over this.
Well I've heard Obama say three times (and one of those times was during a visit to the great state of Montana) that he upholds the 2nd Amendment and the legitimate use of firearms, including hunting and family traditions of hunting (and other uses) yet there seems to be a portion of our society that always manages to have their tv's on the Sportsmans Channel or something whenever he comes on to talk about this issue. There are a lot of votes being cast and opinions formed by people that make a practice of being poorly informed on this and other important know...don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up. There are those that continually vote for one party or the other without knowing how their party represents them and where their party stands a on any particular issue...they just vote that way. I gotta go to bed.
The day after Obama got elected i watched a guy walk across a car park in Bozeman with an AR15 and price tag swinging in the breeze, perhaps that was the start?

Of course, should some form of gun control ever be agreed on these type of rifles i wonder if your government will do as ours did in the UK?
They paid cash for them and then scrapped them, at a later stage the handguns went the same way as well.


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