Fox hunting?


Well-known member
Dec 10, 2002
Chugiak, AK
Whats the best way to hunt fox? Using a call and decoy or....? Best set up, etc.

I have seen a real nice one 3-4 times now and want to put the smack down on him. This is east coast hunting, big woods, rolling hills, small streams, hedge rows, crop fields, thick briars etc.

I believe the 'weapon' of choice will be a 22LR or 12 gauge. He's the biggest fox I've ever seen and has a wonderful pelt.
Hey Bambi my experience with the sly fox is just that, they will come to a call but they are sneaky, I mostly have called them in at night, seems to work a great deal better. They are not as jittery as they are in the daylight. I will say if you can see him in the daylight don't hesitate don't try to call him right in take em. They will leave just as quick as they had come in. JME HAPPY HUNTING.
In the past when fox hunting I have usually used some sort of sweet decoy, maybe a margarita or a fuzzy navel, leave a hundred dollar bill laying on the bar in front of you, send one of those drinks down their way and they tend to come in to even subtle calling.:D Usually once they see that hundy laying on the table they are easily reeled in and it's game on......hump
i crushed a couple of them this year with the 17 remmy......they make a mess out of them.
you might want to go with the 22 with a solid bullet for minimal damage.

you must be near his den if you have seen him a few times......wait till you see him and turn on the charm. I have called them in just by making noices on the back of my hand with my mouth......a cheap digital caller works well cause you can controll the volume...keep it on low and turn it up a bit if he doesnt hear it.

if you miss him or he bust you, chances are he wont fall for that again..... at least anytime soon.

good luck,
good one, hope you don't use the quick shot approach.:D :D
carbonarcher said:
In the past when fox hunting I have usually used some sort of sweet decoy, maybe a margarita or a fuzzy navel, leave a hundred dollar bill laying on the bar in front of you, send one of those drinks down their way and they tend to come in to even subtle calling.:D Usually once they see that hundy laying on the table they are easily reeled in and it's game on......hump
There are many rules to hunting fox. You should have all your bases covered: rifle sited in, predator calling down, best area all picked out, etc. They are all important pieces of the puzzle. But one thing that stands out for me more than anything is if you blow your concealment ( you or your truck ). That animal will go into "Stranger Danger" mode and all will be for nothing, especially educated ones. I've known people's dogs that know the sound of their owner's truck amongst the sound of other traffic several blocks away. You might get away with a sloppy entrance a few times on green fox, but not for long if your hunting the same ones. All the time they just seem to disappear except for the sign ( They will pattern you ). I believe that they have dreams of chasing rabbits and near death experiences, its a survival thing, certain animals have it including us, a sixth sense if you will. I do all of my fox hunting hiking in at least 1/4 to 1 mile sometimes more. I try to go in calm and indifferent more like impassive and phlegmatic. Yes they sence your emotion just like your pet dog. There is alot of lore about "mans best friend" and the "fox" has his, its is more truth than poetry. If you can get smart fox on a consitant basis with one method let me know I'll be your loyal servant. Watch the wind, stay low on entry to the stand, then move up to a position with enough background for your camo to be effective and match your camo to your stand location. Take your time, you don't want to be a big sweat ball as you approach your stand."...Remember, that animal is coming to an injured animal. It is not always going to charge in. Be patient and be willing to wait it out up to 45 minutes or even an hour, especially during the late season. You may get tired of watching and calling but they have their own time schedule, we watch a clock. I have waited an hour before, then still looked back on the way out and FINALLY saw something coming in. Fox don't punch a time clock, and certainly don't wear a watch."
Is the fox kind of like a cougar? If so, the best way to hunt fox is to find the right location, set up, and find a way to casually irritate it, making it feel stupid and worthless, deserving of only a wisecrack and a smirk. Leave the area and return weeks later. Assuming the fox you are hunting is habitual, your chances on the 2nd set-up are greatly increased. Return, go in for the kill.. show no mercy.

Be willing to try alternative tactics that are not standard practice. A couple weeks ago, I actually kicked a fox that was in at close range. She kicked me back and left. A week later, that fox came in REALLY close, but still, I didn't take the shot. Patience, patience, patience.. It pays off in the end.
red head or grey.
red fox in wyoming are easy call softer then for coyotes i have better luck with a course cotten tail than a high pitched one.{i don't know why} short calls with longer than coyote breaks. lower volume.
back when we had fox they useually show in the first 10 min. coyotes have ran them out.{might have been me i shot 18 on the ranch one year and never seen one sence.}
once a fox thinks you are a rabbit you have to beat it with a stick to convince it otherwise. i had one jump in my lap.
Lots of good info posted. Make sure you try right at first light or right at dark. Coyotes come in anytime but foxes tend to not respond to calls as much during the day.

once a fox thinks you are a rabbit you have to beat it with a stick to convince it otherwise. i had one jump in my lap.

That's it. Next time I go sniffing around downtown, I'm wearing a rabbit costume and carrying a stick. Frikkin genious idea.
Watch out for the fox/cougar hybrid. Their skill at seizing multiple prey simultaneously is legendary. Their greatest asset is their shiny multi-colored coats & ability to stalk while being stalked with most of their victims simply lying down and accepting their fate. Rabbits are merely a snack for this species.