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For fun [Who to Taser]


New member
Jan 22, 2003
If you could "taser" someone and sit back and watch them wiggle who would it be [ No hunttalkers] and why?

I would "taser" Ted Kennedy.. because i just can`t stand the guy hump
A-con, be nice. I hear Rosie is in the hospital. She's going to have an addadictomy.

I think I would taser Hillary Clinton because I can't stand the guy!

"Hillary Clinton because I can't stand the guy!" that's funny.

Simon from American Idol...because he thinks he's Jose. :D
If it can't be mtmiller, I would have to say my exwife! Just kidding Craig...or am I?
BigHornRam said:
I'd put it on the extra crispy setting and see how long it would take to turn Michael Moore into 50 lbs of bacon.

Thats what were looking for [that freaking great]! LMAO. hump :D
I would like to see it implanted under the skin on the butt cheek of every politician in the world and when they do not listen to the people that put them in power let them have it to remind them who pays there *&^%*& salary.
before i make my decision on who i can zap........can i ask for fresh batteries?